
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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My mom saw a someone shared a link on one of her friend's timeline on Facebook. It was "How to Kill a Mustache". Her friend was growing a mustache/beard thing, and she watch Ed the video with us. That's how I first heard about them, in 2012. I know that's kind of late, but you don't choose when you found them. I've watched them ever since (not in a creepy way).

My friend AnnMarie told me about it!

I found Rhett and Link when I was scrolling youtube randomly like 2 years ago and saw some video in the suggestions called "Neverwet" Our Pants. I just ignored it at first, but it just kept showing up so I just gave in and watched. Did not dissapoint. Checked out the channel, and now I finally have the joy of knowing about Rhett & Link!

Found the Guacamole song in college. Now I watch GMM every mythical morning.

I had heard about them from other youtubers but had never watched any of their videos. I searched something about southern accents and one of their videos popped up. I thought they were funny and intriguing and I spent the next few days completely obsessing over all of their videos. :-) I'll never go back! 

I saw a video on YouTube and looked cool

I found them about 4 months ago. I was binge watching youtube "Will it Blend" videos (if you haven't watched them, do; it is hilarious). When I ran out of those youtube started suggesting Rhett and Link's "Will It-" videos.  I watched all of those and then scrolling through the stuff on all their different channels I found the Chuck Testa local commercial and Belly Button song, both videos I had seen before and enjoyed very much without remembering who made them. I liked the stuff so much I subscribed and have been watching since!

They have so much content, I will be busy for quite a while backtracking through all their years of videos

It was only a couple of months ago in October, but I don't remember what I was watching other than it was a GMM episode. I thought it was funny, so I went to their channel - only to discover there were hundreds more where that came from. I think I watched almost all the episodes (including GMMores) in just a few weeks. Maybe 10 or so I didn't see because the topic wasn't interesting, but that's it.

Back in 2010, I came across the Fast Food Folk Song, which, obviously, led me to more of their videos. Shortly after that, though, I was drawn into the world of Doctor Who, which pretty much consumed me for the next two years. Sadly, they, along with several other interests, got lost to the sands of time, and other things came along. Around the end of April, though, my sister was telling me and my niece to look up this thing on Youtube called "Good Mythical Morning". Well, I looked it up, scrolled through and picked an episode that was from maybe a week or two before, and started watching. A few seconds in, I thought, "Hey, these guys look famil-- waitaminute that's Rhett and Link!!", and I've been watching GMM ever since.

I saw them on Smule and thought the song names were so weird (Dope Zebra, I Am A Thoughtful Guy) because I didn't realize they were comedy. XD I then also saw their video, 2 Guys 600 Pillows, but didn't way before Smule, and after I started watching them, I eventually saw the video again and realized that that was them.
I was really bored, so I went to YouTube and found an interesting looking video. I went to their Chanel in hope for a cure of this boredom. I was not disappointed.

My best friend introduced me to Rhett and Link last year and ever since i have watched them everyday


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