
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I was listing to stampy wall playing minecraft. Then gmm turnd on and I went back and I say to myself I kind of like these guys. Rhett has some cool hair I like Links glasses. I think I will start waching and then I find out that my friends wach Gmm too!!!!!And know i am ubsessed.

I found Rhett and link because I was looking at list 25 while doing so a video about the strangest things found in airport security done y them was sugguested and I watched and from tehn on I was hooked  I am a mythical beast through and through and I will always love them

Hey Mythical beasts!

I found GMM just this year.

I had heard of GMM before but only checked them out recently.

Now definitely my favorite subscription. 

One day I was on YouTube, a couple of weeks ago actually, and it showed up in my recommendations. The first episode I watched I noticed that it was just them talking the whole time, but it was about something interesting that happened on the news, that's why it was recommended for me. I watched all the way through because I wanted to give these guys a chance. By the end I was a little bored, but then Link pulled up the Wheel Of Mythicality. I was instantly interested because it was "Rhett gives birth to a baby hippo" I watched a few more episodes, but i just skipped over everything and went to the end where the WOM was. I looked through the GMM channel and saw a "Will It..." video and i watched that. that's how i stumbled upon Rhett and Link. Also, I never realized this but my friend actually introduced me to them in 2012 because he showed me and some other friends the "Nilla Wafer Top Hat Time" song and I never really watched anymore episodes, but I kind of wish I did look into watching more of Rhett and Link. ow I am addicted and I binge watch instead of sleeping.

I watched "My OCD" and thought it was hilarious. Then in the recommendation was a couple of GMM episodes. I instantly tried to watch the entire 6th season. Every episode made me laugh to tears! Rhett and Link, keep doing what your doing! This stuff is great!
Some friends showed me the lumberjack challenge and a few 'will it' videos and from there I was hooked. ❤

I have no idea how I found about this awesome show, probably just clicked something by accident but since then I watch at least 5 of their videos every day.

My sister's boyfriend showed me.

Last year I watched one of their 'Will it?' (Hotpocket) And I loved it! So My GMM obsession started last year. And I'm so exited for August when they start season 8! =D

I was at work just trying to find funny videos on youtube and I think I might have been looking up old McDonald's commercials because this thing popped up about " deconstructing the mcrib" and I watched it and was instantly hooked, I then went back and spent weeks watching all the other videos :) I love these guys!!!!

I found Rhett and Link with help from my brother. He showed me one of their music videos and I thought it was so funny!! I then looked them up and found out about GMM which my brother did not know about at the time. Now we compete to see who has watched the most episodes. 

Almost a year ago, I was looking up Disney facts and came across their Disney Rules video on YouTube. I've been hooked ever since and have shared with everyone I know!


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