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We know you have wives and children, but the question is, do you have pets?

I've always been curious if Rhett and Link were dog people or cat people or nothing people or both people, etc. :p

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ohhh good question and what kinds are they ... like breeds and stuff
That is a good question.....I know Rhett has a dog, Merle, but I don't know about Link.
Julia Starr said:
That is a good question.....I know Rhett has a dog, Merle, but I don't know about Link.

Ah, I just found out about Merle. She looks like some kind of beagle mix. I'd be interested in knowing what she's mixed with, if you know. I'm tempted to say a chihuahua, but I really have no idea.)
There's definately some Beagle in her, probably some Chihuahua maybe some Terrier (Jack Russell maybe?), not exactly sure maybe he could fill us in on the details. I'm not much of a small dog person but she's cute! I do have to say that's one small dog for a guy of Rhetts size :)

Breanna M said:
Julia Starr said:
That is a good question.....I know Rhett has a dog, Merle, but I don't know about Link.

Ah, I just found out about Merle. She looks like some kind of beagle mix. I'd be interested in knowing what she's mixed with, if you know. I'm tempted to say a chihuahua, but I really have no idea.)
Julia Starr said:
There's definately some Beagle in her, probably some Chihuahua maybe some Terrier (Jack Russell maybe?), not exactly sure maybe he could fill us in on the details. I'm not much of a small dog person but she's cute! I do have to say that's one small dog for a guy of Rhetts size :)

Breanna M said:
Julia Starr said:
That is a good question.....I know Rhett has a dog, Merle, but I don't know about Link.

Ah, I just found out about Merle. She looks like some kind of beagle mix. I'd be interested in knowing what she's mixed with, if you know. I'm tempted to say a chihuahua, but I really have no idea.)

Haha, I know. Tall guys do seem to end up with small dogs, though, even if everyone else thinks they're more suited to a Great Dane. :p She's the perfect family dog in size, though.
I had a dog until about a month ago. She was killed...we think poisoned. She got out one night with a dog we were dogsitting, and they both got into something and died. It really sucked. Especially having to explain it to the couple whose dog were keeping.

Sadly, my history with pets has been pretty bad...I'm definitely a dog person, but every dog I've ever had has either died tragically or ran away. I even had a fish that jumped out of the aquarium and we found him months later behind a bookshelf, dried up like a potato chip.

Hold on a second...maybe the problem isn't the pets.
Rhett McLaughlin said:
I had a dog until about a month ago. She was killed...we think poisoned. She got out one night with a dog we were dogsitting, and they both got into something and died. It really sucked. Especially having to explain it to the couple whose dog were keeping.

Sadly, my history with pets has been pretty bad...I'm definitely a dog person, but every dog I've ever had has either died tragically or ran away. I even had a fish that jumped out of the aquarium and we found him months later behind a bookshelf, dried up like a potato chip.

Hold on a second...maybe the problem isn't the pets.

Oh my goodness, that's so incredibly sad. D= I'm sorry.

I must say the fish thing made me chuckle a bit, though. (Depress people, then make them laugh so they don't notice...tsk tsk. :p)
That is really sad! We had a family boxer who lived to be nine but died two months ago from cancer! =..( What you said made me think of that because we didn't even know she had it until she got into some mouse poison and we had to take her to the vet a month before.
Although, like Breanna, I also couldn't help but laugh at the fish comment! It's one of those things that's sad in such a strange way that you can't help but think it's funny!

Rhett McLaughlin said:
I had a dog until about a month ago. She was killed...we think poisoned. She got out one night with a dog we were dogsitting, and they both got into something and died. It really sucked. Especially having to explain it to the couple whose dog were keeping.

Sadly, my history with pets has been pretty bad...I'm definitely a dog person, but every dog I've ever had has either died tragically or ran away. I even had a fish that jumped out of the aquarium and we found him months later behind a bookshelf, dried up like a potato chip.

Hold on a second...maybe the problem isn't the pets.
Rhett McLaughlin said:
I had a dog until about a month ago. She was killed...we think poisoned. She got out one night with a dog we were dogsitting, and they both got into something and died. It really sucked. Especially having to explain it to the couple whose dog were keeping.

Sadly, my history with pets has been pretty bad...I'm definitely a dog person, but every dog I've ever had has either died tragically or ran away. I even had a fish that jumped out of the aquarium and we found him months later behind a bookshelf, dried up like a potato chip.

Hold on a second...maybe the problem isn't the pets.

That's an awful way to lose a pet, sorry for your loss.

Well atleast your hamster had a will to live, he was like the Bear Grylls of hamsters.

Why do fish do that? They aren't the brightest of creatures, although I don't think I would be too happy if I were kept in a tank.
my uncle had a huge fish named trash can, and it liked to jump out of the tank, one morning, it didnt get put back in in time. My uncle came in..."Trash Can's dead!"

Rhett McLaughlin said:
I had a dog until about a month ago. She was killed...we think poisoned. She got out one night with a dog we were dogsitting, and they both got into something and died. It really sucked. Especially having to explain it to the couple whose dog were keeping.

Sadly, my history with pets has been pretty bad...I'm definitely a dog person, but every dog I've ever had has either died tragically or ran away. I even had a fish that jumped out of the aquarium and we found him months later behind a bookshelf, dried up like a potato chip.

Hold on a second...maybe the problem isn't the pets.
i don't believe in non-imaginary pets :/
Rhett if it makes you feel better my fish commited suicide as well jumped right out the tank and into the dryer!!!


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