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80's Kommunity Building Exercise (CBE)
We want ALL OF YOU to participate in our 80's CBE. This will be fun!!!! And you automatically win stuff! Read on for all the details...

Here’s how this is going to work. Since the Kommunity gives us the ability to interact by uploading photos, audio, and video, we’re inviting you to use these features to the fullest! Put your mind in ‘80s mode. If you weren’t actually there, go do some Googling! Now, create something ‘80s themed either in the form of a photo, an audio file, or a video.

It can be a modern remake of a favorite album cover from that era (photo), you singing your favorite ‘80s song (audio), or a vlog of you doing something ‘80s related. Want to cover a favorite music video? Go for it! Do a great Bon Jovi impression? Sing it! Be creative! Anything 80's goes!

There are just two rules:
1. keep it family friendly
2. keep it under 3 minutes

Upload your photo, audio, or video to the Kommunity (click on "Quick Add..." in the right column.) Be sure to tag it “80s CBE” so we can keep track of the submissions. If you make a video, upload it to YouTube. Then embed it into the Kommunity.

After you upload and tag your entry, be sure to post a link to it in the appropriate Forum Discussion:

You’ll have until Saturday, Aug 1st to submit your entry to the Summer CBE before finalists are selected. *UPDATE* We are extending this CBE. The Deadline is now Tuesday, September 1st.

First off, everyone who submits an entry to this CBE will receive a fantastic, never-before-heard secret song from us! You read us right: a fully-produced, brand new Rhett&Link tune.

Beyond that, we'll pick one winner from each category (picture, audio, video). But YOU, the Kommunity, will pick the prizes. In the Forum, discuss what you think would be a great prize. We're willing to part with some of our most precious props from past videos. What's your favorite video? Want an actual prop from it? Discuss it in the Forum. All entries within the realm of remote reason will be seriously considered.

The prize for the video entry will be the biggest, followed by the audio, then the photo because of the level of complexity. The winners get to choose their prize from the list of available prizes. See that list here: CBE PRIZE ROUNDUP.

Add something to the list by nominating a Prop Prize here: PRIZE DISCUSSION

This Discussion Forum is a great place to start the buzz about your plans. What you’d like to see from others, or just generally discuss the ‘80s to help inspire creativity in the Kommunity. Have fun. If you've got any other ideas to soup this thing up; post it.

If you’re not submitting, you can still participate in the fun! As a Kommunity member, we encourage you to rate and comment on as many entries as you can. Your input will be an important factor in determining our prizewinners!

Please read the RhettandLink.com Terms of Use before participating.

Views: 338

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Yep! You'll get it emailed directly from Rhett & Link at the close of the CBE. Stay tuned! We'll get the details to you when it's time and no one will be left out!

JLC said:
Ok,i submitted mine to the "Photo Roundup" does anyone know how we get the secret song once we submit our entry?
i think one of the prizes should be a rhett& link shirt
my rubik's cube stop motion
If you want to make a prize suggestion, we have a separate discussion for that. To be counted, check the forum for the "Suggest Prizes" discussion and post your thoughts there. Then, check the "CBE Prize ROUNDUP" discussion to find out what the official, approved prize list is.
Awesome. Can't wait to do this. Now I need to think of ideas.
I'm stuck here, I want to enter but I have no idea what so ever! I have no idea what I could do!
I'd love to make a really cool video, but I dont have any decent enough equipment to make a great vid, my video camera is horrid and when I load it on my computer it all comes out as one long video that I can't edit!
I could take a videos on my phone and put the clips together to make a video, or take pictures and put them into a slide show, or try and figure something out for an audio piece, but I have no ideas!

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could actually do?!


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