
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

The official discussion of ideas for the Wheel of Mythicality!

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wheel sugestions:

Rhett Can control fire

Link is telepathic

contemplating time travel

The TARDIS lands in the studio

link is really the Doctor

Wheel Suggestions:

- Rhett and Link are in Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF)

- Old ladies in a Nursing Home

- Pun Off

Rhett and Link discover fart-singing.
- the desk is a spaceship
-Rhett thinks links arm is made of bacon
-shoes are coming to life

Rhett teaches Link how to do the Hokey pokey.

Link is actually a robot (has that been done yet?)

Rhett thinks he's the President, Link is confused

Rhett and Link can only speak in 1 syllable words

Rhett responds to everything Link says with "That's how you do it!"

link sells rhett's heart

Rhett and Link wake up in a pool of buttermilk dressed in Civil War Battle Uniforms.

Titantic in 30 seconds or

the part where Rose(Link) is in Jack's(Rhett's) arms at the back of the ship from Titantic

i say rhett and link should do  imaginary mario kart 8. no controllers just their imagrination and terrible impressions of car noises that would be funny


Rhett finds out that Link is not the real Link, in reality Link as always had a twin brother that he never told any one!
Link becomes the hungriest man on earth and tries to eat rhett

Unisong about Mac and cheese

Ice cream vs frozen yogurt


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