
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:       Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront

Address:        225 E Coastline Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32202

Website:        http://www.jacksonville.hyatt.com

Your Host:    Rayven Nightfall (The Neko)  

There is also a FaceBook event page for additional info and discussion:


Map of Florida

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I'd be down for that! :)

can anyone host it(like meh)

Yes, Rayven - - -  anyone can host a MythiCon event so long as you are able to "fulfill the duties"

But, it's not really that difficult, come to think of it . . . so if you can and will take on the host spot post it here or on my page and I will add your contact info to the top header.  Once a meeting site is selected I will update that information as well both here and on the BatchGeo interactive  map tool.

Here are the help and info postings for MythiCon.  Thank you for your consideration and, as always, STAY BEAST!   ~ Gumbo123

What in the wide, wide world of sports is MythiCon?

How to Become a MythiCon Meeting Site Host

MythiCon 2014 - - - Sharing Place for Tips & Ideas

i can most definatly do it :)

if it has to be a mall t can be this one

1910 Wells Rd, Orange Park, FL 32073

ill make a facebook event page as well :)

what sort of contact information do you need ?

You got it . . . although many others were pulling for Orlando area, you are the first to step up and claim host rights, so Orange Park / Jacksonville it is!

You are now on the map as well.  I try to catch any changes but if I happen to miss anything pertinant to your meeting just post a message on my wall. 


i made a facebook event page so everyone can stay up to date incase location changes

itll also make it easyier for everyone to help out with activities,we could go to the movies or the icecream shop(florida founded this amazing pop corn place called sweet N cheesy that i highly recommend,i could talk to the owner since im friends with them and see if we could get a party pack or something)


Hey how exactly do we sign up for this?

for A.C.C ?

heres a rough demo of our new items for GMM fans i have a few more sayings as well

and the other images are finished products so you can see what those would look like :)
proceeds go to planning this years mythicon for jacksonville

if you would like to order you can message us on our business page or ask me here



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