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If Rhett and link were to do another will it __ such as will it taco/ice cream sandwich what do u think they should do

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Will it pancake?

will it burger or pizza. beccause you can put everything in or on those things.

Will It Waffle!!! (put random stuffs on a waffle and eat it!!) I do this all the time with my Dad :)

Or maybe will it chocolate.... <3


will it chocolate ?

will it eggs

will it fish

will it veg

will it chees

I have seen the epi were you eat English foods but ther are stuff that ou need to try such as picald eggs and sider and spotid dick jellyd eayls  and o on ther are a wid rang of strang food that are eatern in the uk and you should find therm and make a epi on them

will it casserole?

Will it pie?

will it sandwich?

will it fudge?


I Didn't look through all pages, but how about:

Will it Hairgel?

This is a bit of a long-term project but it could be worth it.  Will it pickle?  You just need some jars and some brine.  What could be easier?

will it cake? like bake as a cake?

Will it smoothie?

Will it smoothie or will it milkshake

Will it Pancake?


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