
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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My brother was randomly browsing YouTube and found It.

Hey Im new here! I found Rhett and Link by watching the bathroom trip song and waffles because I was a big fan of julian smith. I still like julian smith but Rhett and Link are now my favorite youtubers <3

my friend showed me

I found them by looking for morning shows and found 40 yr old eggs and ham episode
I found them by browsing for videos on YouTube, and I can't remember what episode it was, but I haven't looked back since!

I found Rhett and link from my friend who showed a few gmm episodes along with the rub some bacon on it video I have been watching them since.

I am a recent fan... Only just a month. I actually found them after I was talking to one of my employees at work about just wanting to go somewhere and clear my mind of all stress. She had mentioned something about Sensory Deprivation Tanks, so I googled about it. I then went you youtube and searched Sensory Deprivation Tanks. I saw a picture of a guy looking extremely happy, so I clicked on that video. That was it. After watching, I had to subscribe to their channels. Their videos, simply put, make me happy. Their music does the same. I actually listen to The Belly Button Song at work when I get a little too stressed. It makes me chuckle, and gets me back into a good groove. 

I applaud these guys for all the joy they bring. They are truly deserving of all their success. May they have many more years of it!!!

I found them on Youtube - like many I suppose - and I think it was a Youtube suggestion. I liked the topic thought I'd watch it to chill out after work and loved it, subscribed to their channel then started watching all their videos. Loved the music videos on Rhett and Link's channel. I've enjoyed binging on their videos and will often watch them on my phone whilst making breakfast. I've found recently that I prefer watching Youtube videos to watching a lot of TV, maybe it's the ability to select what I want and in some sense find pathways of interest. Well, Rhett and Link's videos, in their various locations have popped a lot in those pathways and I don't expect that'll stop anytime soon, especially given how they seem cool with continuing on for a few decades. We shall see.

I found them on youtubers react.

I found a GMM episode in my suggested, I tried it and XD. I soon discovered Rhett and Link's first account too.

I stumbled onto their "Will It Ice Cream Sandwich?" video from some other "Will it __?" video.

Anyone who makes an ice cream sandwich out of block cheese and melted crayons is someone I want to do business with.

A close friend of mine introduced me to Rhett and Link recently. She'd been obsessing over them for a while, but she's got me hooked on them now too.

(and I've ordered each of us a GMM mug and two cases of Clearly Canadian)


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