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Well, I am kinda surprised to be the first to start this discussion. But, here it is. If you have anything at all that you need somebody to pray for, just put it up here. No one is here to judge, but if you don't feel comfortable putting yourself out there like that, just mention that you are having a rough time and I can guarantee that I and hopefully others in this group and on this community will be praying for you!

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Fancy that, I think we keep similar company. (For instance, I noticed Bro. Shelton Smith, editor of the Sword of the Lord, in that link.) I wouldn't be surprised if our pastors know each other! (Nor would I be particularly surprised if they didn't.) 

That was a very pointed, very convicting message. Thank you. In my family, I was the first to be saved and have since seen my mother and two brothers accept Christ. I used to pray daily for my dad. To my shame, after about 10 years, I gave up. Not that I would have said it this way, but somewhere along the way I stopped believing that he or my stepmom ever would be saved. 

My Pastor (Pete Montoro, Open Door Bible Baptist Church) is willing to visit my dad, as are other church members. I've asked them not to, just yet, because I want to get his (my dad's) consent.  Now I need to just quit being such a coward when I talk to him.  :) I'm going to the hospital shortly. 

Yes - - Shelton Smith was Pastor at Church of the Open Door in Westminster, MD back in the 1970's and it was through the soul-willing ministry he started with the people of that small (at the time @ 150 members, although it eventually grew to well over 3,000) congregation that Pastor Wells first heard a clear presentation of the Gospel and got saved - - his background was that of a staunch Roman Catholic home and he was an altar boy for years, but that's a long story.  He was just here in Dallas this past week preaching at our Baptist leadership conference.  A very good man and greatly used of God for many years.

John R Rice

Small world! Church of the Open Door was my pastor's home church. Then after Bible college, he worked with an evangelist, Bro. Larry Clayton, and later was sent by Cleveland Baptist Church in Ohio, when Roy Thompson was pastor, to plant a church in NYC. The first service for Open Door Bible Baptist Church was held in 1992; I was saved through their ministry in 2000.
Haven't heard an update on your Dad in a while. I stumbled into this discussion again today and thought about (and prayed for) you both. Hope all is going well with his treatment / recovery.

Thank you so much! You have no idea how appreciative I am for that.

My dad responded to chemo and radiation astoundingly well. He recently had a biopsy to remove the cancer left in his lymph nodes. As of right now, there is no more cancer in his throat. They've also removed his feeding tube and his tracheostomy tube. Amazingly, they did not need to remove his larynx, and there was no damage to his vocal chords. The doctors did not think my dad would be able to keep his larynx and vocal chords intact, because of how late stage his cancer was. In fact, they had suggested removing the larynx surgically before even starting chemo and radiation. The fact that he can still speak is a miracle. 

For now, dad is done with chemo, radiation, and surgeries. Now they are monitoring him closely for the recurrance of cancer cells. They will be doing a full-body PET scan in a couple of months to see if anything got to go further than his throat. (His last PET scan, there was a suspicious reading in an artery, and another in his lung. These might not have been cancer, but if they were, they might have been resolved through chemo.)  Dad has to be fully recovered from his surgeries and radiation before the PET scan, or else he'll get false positives. 

As for his spiritual condition, that's a lot more nebulous. My dad is stoic and reserved, and it's hard to tell what he's thinking. He knows that my whole church has been praying for him. That's made him more kindly disposed toward them, I think. Whether he's willing to attribute the astounding results in his treatment to God, I'm unsure.

Meanwhile, I'm being courted by a man in my church, who is currently teaching Sunday School, and is seeking to plant a church in the not-so-distant future. My dad has really been impressed with him, and the integrity with which he's conducted our relationship. My dad was raised in a conservative Hindu family, and his impression of American men and their morals made him wary of my being in a relationship with one. He's starting to really see that there's a difference in a person who's received Christ as their personal savior. (He's used to viewing the Western world collectively as "Christian", which doesn't lend a good testimony.) I think this is a great step in the right direction. I'm so glad that God has mercifully given my dad more time. 

My sister please.  She is fighting to keep her 1 yr old from her ex who doesn't even care about his own son.  My sister was totally fine with taking her baby to see his dad every once in a while, but he has been wanting to cooperate. 

 She and her new fiancé are also struggling with their jobs and money.  they've been having to change their wedding plans for next year due to their money.  At the moment they live in CA and are trying to find a way to move up to WA to be closer to the rest of my family, but her fiancé is struggling to find a job here.

thank you for taking the time to read and pray for my sister :)

Wrestling season started for me about a month ago, well not really started but I've started cutting weight and it's been difficult lately.  I have a long season ahead of me and I need all the help I can get, I've been doing everything I can think of to make it a little easier but it's not enough.  And now with practices starting I'm almost to weak to make it through the day.

I'm Interning with YWAM ( Youth With A Mission) and I need to raise funds not only for my training in May and September but also monthly support for living expenses. So prayer that I will be able to raise the funds so that I can continue working with YWAM.

If you all could pray for my stepdad that'd be great he's had 3 knee surgeries just this year and is having another on the 23rd of this month thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How is your stepdad Bethany? 

Please pray for a guy at my church who dislocated his shoulder 


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