
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:       Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront

Address:        225 E Coastline Dr, Jacksonville, FL 32202

Website:        http://www.jacksonville.hyatt.com

Your Host:    Rayven Nightfall (The Neko)  

There is also a FaceBook event page for additional info and discussion:


Map of Florida

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my two friends and i are going for sure!

the location has changed,make sure to check the facebook page with the link provided above,i will contact gumbo to have t changed


hopefully youll be able to join us this time since i wont be attending ACC

HEADLINE:  to all interested attendees of MythiCon Florida

Due to a scheduling conflict, your host Rayven Nightfall (The Neko) has moved the meet-up to the Hyatt Regency Riverside.  On that same date the hotel is also the site of Ancient City Con - - the annual anime, comic book, gaming, and science fiction convention held in Jacksonville, Florida.   (see link below)

This "2-for-1" opportunity should be a blast!    Ancient City Con



The MythiCon get together is still free and will be outside the ACC event space.  ACC tickets will cost you $25 if you go in there. Feel free to enjoy both events if you would like and your time / budget allows. 

Please contact Rayven directly via her Kommunity profile page or post your questions at the MythiCon Florida FaceBook event page if you need more details.


hey everyone, I live in Florida and I am unable to come to the Mythicon today because its too far away from my house. if anyone is going to the florida mythcon I am really sad I can't be there and i really hope to see you next year. :\

hey guys ill be hosting this year :) jacksonville florida


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