
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I want to know what everyone's favorites of everything are!
You can tell me your favorites of anything, but I definitely want to know your favorite rhett and link song/video, color, animal and sports car!
I dont have a favorite rhett and link song/video, my favorite color is purple,  my favorite animals are foxes and rabbits,and my favorite sports cars are porsches and  the saleen s7 twin turbo (its fast and pretty!!)!! My favorite instrument is a violin, season-fall,  drink-virgin piña colada...

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Yeah . . . sorry about the Yugo, but you left yourself wide open for that one.

Color: Green

Sports car: Aston Martin Vanquish

R+L song: Epic Rap Battle - Nerd vs. Geek (because I can totally relate)

Animal: Elephant

Band: The Civil Wars (but mine always changes too)

Song: Billie Jean (covered by The Civil Wars)

Instrument: Bagpipes (even though I don't play them. I want some that shoot flames out the back though, because why not?)

Season: Spring

Drink: Leninade

Actress: Jennifer Lawrence (because Jennifer Lawrence)

TV Show: Falling Skies

Favorites: Color Blue, Band Relient K, Singer Adam Young, R & L song Idk but probably either My OCD or the spot the differences one, Animal penguin or dolphin, TV show Touch ( you should check it out), Instrument Piano, Shape Circle, Season Autumn, Drink Tea, Food popcorn, Video game Animal crossing, and number 26. Dont have a fav sports car.

Thank you so much!!:D i love this! It's perfect!

I think some of my favorite Rhett and Link songs are My OCD song and My Belly Button. My favorite color is TARDIS blue and my favourite animal is a lion.

You only listed 4 items here, so I grabbed a couple extra from your profile page and some of your recent postings.

my favorite band is KISS my favorite food is sushi my favorite car is a Ferrari

Only three items listed, so I had to get a little creative on this one.

MB Favorites #100 ! ! !

Favorite Rhett and Link song: tie between My OCD and Rub Some Bacon On It

Favorite color: pink

Favorite animal: turtle

Favorite sports car: Well, I don't know if this counts, but Herbie (VW Beetle) :)

Favorite food: fish and/or potatoes

Favorite number: 256

Favorite season: winter

Favorite sport: dance

Favorite TV show: Castle

Favorite Pokemon: legendary is Celebi,  others are Torterra, Gardevoir, and Serperior

Did you ever notice that your favorite color is PINK and yet all your Pokemon are GREEN?

I'm just sayin . . .


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