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Looking For Ms. Locklear: Triangle Premier August 29 (CLOSED)

If you'd like to participate in this one-night only very special event, here's what you need to know:

When: Saturday, August 29, 2009 - 7:00 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. screenings
Where: The Galaxy Cinema, 770 Cary Towne Blvd., Cary, NC

Check in at the Facebook Event, let Rhett&Link know you're intentions and invite friends and family of all ages. It will help us plan the best possible event.

BUY TICKETS ONLINE NOW!! This offer is available until Aug. 14th and it is expected the event will sell out so don't delay! Ticket prices are $10 online and $12 at the door if available.

What's in store:
- Triangle-area premiere of the award-winning film
- Live presentation and performance from Rhett&Link
- Q&A
- Special guest appearances

Film synopsis and trailer:

Road Trip Anyone?
Even if you don't live in NC, we'd love for you to road trip into town for the event. Yours Truly is helping out as Rhett&Link's e-vent planner.

Hotel Information I've reserved a block of rooms at a nearby Hampton Inn for a discounted rate of $72/night plus 12.75% tax. All the rooms will be non-smoking and will have 2 double beds. A block of rooms is being held until August 14, when online ticket sales end, as well, so BOOK NOW! Call 919-233-1798 and be sure to say you're coming in for "Rhett and Link," when you reserve in order to get this special rate.

Please WEIGH IN HERE as soon as you know your plans so I can contact you directly. I will be coordinating the room block and need to provide the hotel with ongoing updates on how many rooms need to be in the block...plus I may have other things I need to communicate to you. This discussion will be updated as more information becomes available, so be sure you've elected to "follow" it for regular email updates or check back frequently.

Please comment below when your plans are firm with this information:

You are definitely traveling into town to attend this event and need a room.
How many are in your party?
How many rooms do you need?
Hoe many beds in each room?
How many nights will you be staying (which nights?)

If you've already commented, I need a firm count as soon as possible. so, go ahead and post again confirming.

You may, of course, stay at any hotel you wish, but I'll only be negotiating a discounted room block with one. Still, if you're traveling from out of town, Rhett and Link have a special treat in store for you! To acknowledge those intrepid kommunity members who went to such lengths to be with us that night, the guys will stop by the Hampton Inn at midnight to spend a few minutes hanging in the lobby with you! If you've chosen another hotel, you can still join us, there if you like.


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Pretty sure I'm going to be going. Lately though, plans have a tendency to change greatly in a very short matter of time, so if they do, I'll be sure to come alert you immediately.

To answer your questionnaire:

I'm 95% sure I will be coming to town.
2 people (my father and I) are in my party, so a two-bed room would be great, if that is at all possible.
I will need one room.
I should be staying one night. (Again, plans have a tendency to change, so I will alert you ASAP if we elect to stay another night.
I'm sure that a Days Inn at $49.99 will work for me.

Did that help? =)
I am 99.9% sure that I will be there. I already bought the tickets. There will be 2 people in my party (myself and my best friend who has just become a fan of R&L!) and we need one room with two beds. We need to stay two nights, Friday and Saturday night. The plan is to drive up on Friday and then leave Sunday morning. Days Inn sounds great. $49.99 sounds even better! I also have a AAA discount that I can use once I get there.

Question: Are these rooms going to be non-smoking?

Sign me up!
I'm going to make the block all non-smoking, Laura. Oh, and if I get this special group rate, I'm fairly sure your AAA discount won't apply on top of that.
I would really like to attend this, just need to talk someone in to driving me. This is seriously one of those times when I wish I could drive myself LOL :)

Like Emily, I am 95% sure that I will be coming.
Two people are in my party (my mom and I).
I need one room.
I think I would be staying two nights (Friday and Saturday) but if plans change I will tell you.
And yes, Days Inn at $49.99 a night is perfect

And Lynn, thanks for setting up the hotel arrangements and everything! =)
I'm adding a comment to say that the Days Inn is a hotel that gets the full range of good and not-so-good reviews online. The exterior will look old, but it seems the interior was remodeled recently. But they had the best rate in town, hands down. The next best option would be a jump to about $72/night. We'd like for everyone coming in for the event to be in the same hotel so we can perhaps arrange transportation over to the theater, etc. So, please don't expect a 4-star hotel, but you will get breakfast and free wireless internet!
I am trying to arrange our schedule - 6 of us would go - so two rooms. I'll know by the end of the week and then I will purchase the tickets....
the Days Inn would work for us! It will be fun if everyone stays together at the same hotel !!!!
Coming from Tampa, so a BIG drive for us and the 4 kids!!!! But well worth it.. I'm sure!
I am definitely attending and bringing my best friend along as well, so there are just the 2 of us.
We only need one room
We will only be staying Saturday night
and either of those hotel options would be fine for us.

Thank you so much for doing this Lynn! It is very much appreciated. :)
Plans are in the works to be going to this little shindig. Hopefully...

1. No, not definitely.
2. 2
3. 1
4. Most likely one night. Perhaps two. (I'll update you as I find out)
5. Yup
Not sure I can talk the Mrs. into letting me go, but if she were to give me a green light to drive down from DC, any chance I could crash at Rhett or Link's place?
LOL idk but i highly doubt it lol good try tho it was an admirable effort
Um...I seriously doubt that.
Are you sure? They seem like such nice guys... I could do their dishes....

Not even as a CBE prize?

Oh well, I just had to ask... :)


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