
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Since the last one (KBE - - - > The Pose) was not so successful . . . let's give this one more try and see if the kommunity still supports these interactive activities.


Pictured above is my creation, the Gumbo Family Crest.  Leave a discription below of your mythical family shield and I will attempt to create one for you . . . no matter how rediculous, inane or absurd . . . so long as the contents are all in good taste and non-offensive.




The Gumbo family crest includes  name and motto (Go With Cheese) emblazened in gold over a purple shield with crossed mackeral and eye of the tiger fleur de lis.

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THATS PERFECT! thank you gumbo!

The Electric Walrus family crest is just a large black square with a colorless outline of a noble bull walrus inside it. There is text below the outline of the walrus that reads (in Thai) "Word to your mother". Surrounding the walrus are thousands of lightning bolts. The walrus outline, text and lightning bolts are such a dark shade of gray that you can barely perceive their shapes against the black background.

quite the challenge, this one . . .


Thank you Gumbo! That really is amazing. 

all of us smofgrogs share the same shield.  If is round and has bacon wings.  the back color is green and in the center is a picture of a rabbit with fangs  who has a beaver tail.  mine in particular has a halo of cheerios on top

no problem . . .

WOW thank you Gumbo thats just right

Clagrats' shields are square and on fire.  the are black and brown, and have a picture of a bulls face in the center. with yellow letters spelling Clagdrat going across the shield in front

-___ i sink you spelled dat wrong your name that is

I hope you don't mind, but the gold lettering looked better with the flames . . .

woah...dude that is........PERFECT!! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT thank you

There you go . . .


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