
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Post below and introduce yourself! It's just like when you call in to our Kast: who are ya? where are ya? Plus, add anything else you wanna share. But don't embarrass yourself.

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I'm Jessica! I live in Calgary, AB Canada, and I am one HUGE Rhett and Link fan!!!
I'm Carly. But I'm also known as Cephalopod in a Pickle Jar. You can call me Cephy for short.

I'm from the USA (exotic, right?). I'm originally from Minnesota (Go Vikings!), but I currently live in my world, which is inside of the moon. It's flat. I get the entire top side, and the other people that live there share the bottom side. That's pretty much it... Oh, and Hamz is my sis (not really, but we like to think of ourselves as sisters).
hello fellow mythical beasts, I'm a new mamber to this awesome comunity. My name is Simonas Nemickas for simple comunication, just Simon ( I have no idea how to simplify my surname XD ) so, I steped on this earth 18 years ago, in the city of Klaipeda, country - Lithuania. I'm a student, this year will be my first year in College. I like filming, editing, listening to music, playing the guitar, photography, photo manipulation, photo editing, just "Photoshiping", i love driving my old but a great car, I'm mad about cyceling, I could ride my bike 24/7. I'm very interested in computers, electronics. Favorite TV channel - Discovery channel. Favorite show - Mythbusters! I enjoy watching movies, most of comedies, or action, thriller, mystery with a bit of slauhter XD also, I'm a fan of anime, but I carefully choose what to watch, I don't like to watch lame stuff, ye know... just lame stuff XD Best music for me is any music played with ACTUAL INSTRUMENTS. Not that computer nonsence, but really good, professional music. But the best styles for me is everyting between Rock and Death metal. Death metal just gives me a headache. And I can't stand the emotional songs, that are now spreading.... ugh... MAKE THEM STOP!! and now back to the topic! So I will not lie, I do enjoy a good cold beer (for those from US in Lithuania and all Europe you can drink since 18, in some countries like Denmark, Germany even from 16! awesome huh!) XD I like being by myself, and yet, I will not refuse meeting up with my friends at any given time, as long as it's not too late at night XD I'm very interested in Japan, it's culture. Also I'm a fan of katanas and dagers, and other cold weapons. Their awesome! As well as fire arms :) Best sport for me tennis, though I'm not able to play it, couse' of the financal state of my family :/ So all that aside, i hope i gave you enough information about myself, if you'll want more, feel free to contact me! But give your questions some thought, couse I will not answer any crazy, or just plain idiotic question XD

Hi. My name is Jade. My beastly name is Cyglett, which is a combination of cygnet (baby swan) and piglet. It makes for an interesting visual. I live in Canada, in an igloo, with my 8 seld dogs. At night they come inside and we cuddle and watch youtube. The first Rhett and Link video we saw was t-shirt wars. I've been hooked ever since.
Hi!! I'm Emily Palmer. (I don't have a mythical beast name yet..) I'm from Wisconsin! I found Rhett and Link when the T-Shirt Wars video popped up on my Recommended for you section. I watched it like 20 times that day and showed a ton of people! An interesting thing is I am in a Drum and Bugle Corps. I'm in the colorguard and I'm having a lot of fun! If you don't know what a Drum Corps is or you're in a Marching Band and want to learn more send me a message! I'd love to share!

P.S. Im new here.. So help me out and send me a message! <3
Ey, I'm Quinn Darling (Chinkrecon), Nerd extraordinare. I just joined. I live in an undisclosed location in New England. And I like pie. But, then again, who doesn't?
I LIKE TO PIE TOO! That's a verb I'm gonna use now. ;)

I just realized that I've never properly introduced myself... Should I?

My name is Sara but you can call me "Squinchilla". It's a squirrel crossed with a chinchilla, by the way. My two favorite animals and a powerful combination of little, furry fury! I am from Northern Virginia, a brief Metro ride away from Washington, D.C. I'm older than I look and no one believes me. It doesn't help that I stopped growing when I was twelve. I write comedy, play the ukulele (but not well) and gesticulate a lot.

I like a lot of things. The list is long and very varied. My best friend calls me "my friend Sara who's obsessed with everything", when talking about me to her friends. That says two things about me: my obsessions define me and I'm so cool that my friends tell their friends about me. :D
whoa why have I not done this? Anyhow,

Greetings everyone, I am known worldwide as Riley Collier "The Lasergriff" McKinley. My nicknames have been: Rileyboy, Riboy, Ribo, Ribojojo, and Riboflavin. I am currently residing in Mukilteo, Washington. I am 15 years old, 6foot 6inches in height, with a size 16 shoe. I am a member of The Beautifully Dressed Men's Club, a league of 4 gentlemen dedicated to bringing the class and beauty of tuxedos to the modern world. We're working on a short film series. I long to one day grow a goatee, solely for the purpose of stroking it in thought. I am quite fond of t-shirts, specifically ones that contain references to pop culture. I wear black-framed glasses. I play the cello, the kazoo, and the slide whistle, am learning guitar and recorder, and am looking into buying a keytar and learning to play it decently. Over half of what I say is a reference to a movie, tv show, or internet thing. Disney movies are awesome. I pick up song lyrics like that. For those of you who don't know, I just snapped my fingers when I said "that". I bear an uncanny resemblance to the Verizon wireless test-man.

do you see the resemblance? Anyhow, Frank Sinatra rules, Christmas rules, Turtles rule. I want to be just like Shawn Spencer when I grow up. I am fond of medleys. I want to work at Red Robin. Except I cant serve alcoholic beverages. Sucks. Oh my mythical beast is a a griffin/hippogriff, it varies. Except it can also shoot lasers out of its eyes. It is pretty awesome. I think they should bring back the long and catchy theme song. The Cheers theme song is beautiful. Friends is hilarious. Two Door Cinema Club is nice. So is Tally Hall. I think I'm finished.
Hi! I'm Bethy and I am here! I'm a homeschooler highschooler who is just too well tempered to give my mother trouble. I love Star Wars, Napoleon Dynamite, writing things and playing the piano. Even though I might sound something of a nerd, you would never know it if you saw me (I'm tall... REALLY tall.) . Playing soccer and Ultimate are favorites and I just can't get over the fact that cannot is one word...
i am emily stewart, i live in north bay ontario in canada. i was born february 7 1996 making me 14 years old. the only sport that i play outside of school is ringette, for those fo you who dont know what that is, it's a sport played on ice that is similar to hockey except that the stick has no blade on the end and instead of a puck, we use a blue rubber ring. last school year i joined the grde 8 band, i play the clarinet.
heyyy i'm elisabeth, my mythical beast name is RockOFlipper, its a purple guitar playing penguin xD (if anyone can find one, let me know....) im in pensylvania, the most suckish state....lol i'm the one on the left in my picture, just in case anyone is wondering. i am obsessed with music, i dont mind the silence because theres always a song playing in my head. i put all my trust in the one and true God and His Son Jesus Christ, and growing with them more every day. i'm really sporty (basketball, softball, soccer), and i'm told im very funny. i looooooove youtube, some of my favorites: vlogbrothers, raywilliamjohnson, brittanitaylor, and obviously rhett and link!!!! my youtube name is musicismyblood27, go subscribe!! also, subscribe to my friend Ampluvr7, he's a great youtber just trying to make it out there. well i guess i've said enough, so bye!!!!

Hey! I'm Maddy, i'm from Toronto Ontario, Canada. I am 15, so i am a student. I go to an art school (drama, music, etc) i am a visual arts major, so i like to do lots of drawing, painting and crafty things. I am currently listening to Rhett and Link music. I also recently sent Rhett and Link some pictures that i drew of their cute children from the 'Kid Dumbbells' video. (I hope they like them) So yeah, ...that's it!


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