I know that this is the RhettandLinKommunity, but the Grateful Dead has its 'Dead Heads,' Jimmy Buffett has 'Parrot Heads.' Not that we have to be 'Heads' of any sort, but I was wondering what Rhett and Link fans call themselves. Do we have a cool name too, or are we just fans? 'Kommies' doesn't cut it for me. Any suggestions or is there a name I don't know about?
I've always just thought of myself as a "Kaster", but i agree members of Kommunity need their own label. The internetained has got to be my favourite so far.
Or a combination of the two most popular names: iRaLF = internetained Rhett and Link Fan... plus I think it looks cool. I like anything with a lowercase "i" in front of it, haha.
While the Internetainees has a sort of grab to it, it also has a certain Gitmo feel about it too. When I think of RaLF's, my mind wants to go to "RaLFie" for that kid in the movie The Christmas Story. Still, I could get used to referring to myself as a RaLFie.
I don't know the iRaLF has connotations that might be good to avoid. It sounds like what I want to do when I see a bad video on youtube not the brilliance that is rhett and link...
How about the Rhinkerdon's?
Playing off an earlier entry of being part of the Rhinkerdom...
I have to agree with Kyle and Fig. I don't want to call myself a RaLF for the negative connotations described.
Sure, Internetainees does sound a little like detainees, but I still like it the best; it wasn't just created out of thin air to describe members of this community. It's derived from a word that Rhett and Link created long before the Kommunity existed, and is recognizable on its own by true fans, without having to explain some acronym or some such. I guess I've just never been a fan of acronyms in the first place.
What about "The Golden Steeds"? I would like to call myself a Golden Steed. it makes me sound much more powerful than I am... and it's an obscure reference to one of their videos...