I know that this is the RhettandLinKommunity, but the Grateful Dead has its 'Dead Heads,' Jimmy Buffett has 'Parrot Heads.' Not that we have to be 'Heads' of any sort, but I was wondering what Rhett and Link fans call themselves. Do we have a cool name too, or are we just fans? 'Kommies' doesn't cut it for me. Any suggestions or is there a name I don't know about?
These are all pretty good. I think a lot of it will depend on what Rhett and Link are comfortable saying. If it's too long or too much of a tongue twister, it won't catch on. I'd be interested to hear what their favorites are so far.
The more I hear what everyone has to say, the more I wonder if it should be fairly short...like someone said earlier, not too much of a tongue twister...? quick and catchy
Umm how about the RhettandLinKlub (like Rhett and Link Club) or RhettandLinKommittee (like Rhett and Link Committee)? I don't know, I can't think of anything especially creative at the moment...
My thinking went like this..
Shay has his Shaytards
SXEPhil has the DeFranco Nation
Rhett and Link have their...
Studio Audience?
Actually, kinda liking "Kommunists"...
"SXEPhil's DeFranco Nation is taking on Rhett and Link's Kommunist Movement in this challege" It could work and like Rhett and Link love to do, it could make ppl just that little but uncomfortable but for no logical reason...