
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I made this video and wrote the song lyrics for a friend who is a Kommunity member who had yet to find her mythical beast name. I think she just needed some encouragement to find the beast within. Maybe you know of others in similar circumstances. Comment or post your own video of encouragement.

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This was really good. ************************
You have inspired me to name myself. This will take several weeks but I am beginning my quest.
That's great! I got great satisfaction from my original friend who did finally name herself just before I got the video online, and then another member gave himself a name. I haven't had a chance to talk to my friend about her name Skybluewe, the pronunciation, and the charactersitics of her creation, becasue she and her husband went skiing. I am sure you are going to create a thoughtful and engaging mythical persona, and I wish you much success and a lot of fun.

Luke Hale said:
You have inspired me to name myself. This will take several weeks but I am beginning my quest.
Love the song! I'm definitely inspired!
i just took my 3 favorite mythical beasts. unicorn, turtle, and sascuatch.
Welcome, and good job, Uniturlsquatch!
I have how the Beast looks in my head, but i just cant think of a name for it...Its like a mix of a Were-Bear, Phoenix, and some Kraken traits mixed in. If u can give me a name, that'd be great! im guna try to draw it ASAP
Berakenix ... too obvious? or maybe Weberakenix but that sounds more like a Web site (or someone with the last name of Weber who wants to be a kraken- phoenix hybrid) than a mythical beast. You could always put a German spin on it and change the "W" to a "V" and be know as the Veberakenix, but my vote is for simplicity, less is more, ... Berakenix.

Jake Firnstein said:
I have how the Beast looks in my head, but i just cant think of a name for it...Its like a mix of a Were-Bear, Phoenix, and some Kraken traits mixed in. If u can give me a name, that'd be great! im guna try to draw it ASAP


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