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I'm sure all you Mythical Beasts will like this since most of us are VERY weird!
(This was taken from my blog for all the Beasts to see)
Well, I heard this from others about this, and this is a subject I think about often.
These days words, feelings, and even actions don't even come close to what they originally were. People like to take a word, apply to something, and then change that over time. Like gay. Many a year ago I could say, "I feel so gay!" and not have anyone one look at you funny because back then, gay meant happy. Now?...not so much...
However, I think the word "weird" is misused quite often! If you see someone acting much more differently than you, you'll most likely say that person is "weird".
There is still one big factor that ties into all this.
The word “weird” means:
Involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny. Fantastic; bizarre.
Notice the words "unearthly" and "uncanny." Both mean, not normal. Well here we go again, lets define "normal."
The dictionary calls "normal": Conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal natural.
The HUGEST thing is right here, "Conforming to the standard or common type." WOW, did anyone catch that?
The "common type", obviously being humans. I'll get back to this.
Look again, "Conforming to the standard." Wait...that means that to be "normal", you must "conform!" That's crazy!
Also, ever heard of society? (It’s what all the humans live in. Unless you’re a hermit) Because If anyone knows anything about it, it's that its ALWAYS CHANGING!!! So to straighten this out. To be "normal," we now have to conform to an ever-changing society!
Something's not right with that. So in my opinion, (I'm allowed to have one right?)the word "normal" has been severely skewed, considering most people use the definition that I just described.
Going back to the words definition, we also see "natural. Now I believe this fits a bit better. I firmly believe that God made us, starting with Adam and Eve, in his image.
See Genesis 1:26 "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.' "
( ESV)
God makes man in his own image. That means, we have senses, we can think and have emotion, and we have a soul. That is what all mankind has in common, that is what's normal, and that is what I believe.
OK, now that we've gone down the rabbit hole, let come back to the original word, "weird. If "weird" means not normal, and normal means the image of God, and ALL MANKIND in made in God's image, that how, can we call ANYONE "weird?" Hmmm?
All of this makes me glad because no-one should have to be called "weird" and get pushed out.
Now the world will still call us Christians weird because we are different, we're not of the culture and were pressing forward, outside of logical reasoning, for God's glory.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading.
To Riches and Glory in Christ Jesus, your fellow servant,
but the bible also says that somethingssuch as sins are unnatural
true dat
I've never bothered to think about the word "weird" that deeply. haha. A lot of people overuse (or incorrectly use) a lot of words. Take, for example: epic. Common definition describes it as "awesome" or "amazing", but that's not what it means at all. XD Humans tend to do things like that.
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