
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I love relationships! I really do! That feeling of being in love, knowing what each other is going to do before they do it, but still having an occasional surprise, being able to hold each other...but that last one is a bit of an issue sometimes..Long distance stuff.

It's a real pain, loving somebody so much, and yet not being able to see them, or touch them, or hear their voice. It's especially bad if they're so far away you can't reach them in any conceivable way. When you know you love them like no other person, you feel like nothing could tear you apart, but then there's the distance doing it as you're feeling that way. It's the best and worst feeling in the world.

It's understandable why some people don't like it..


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Comment by Mack (Alrokabeesk) on September 20, 2010 at 9:36am
Uwaaa that's so terrible! :/body>

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