
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Chapter 1


"The storm hit really out of nowhere" the crackled voice of Fairbanks chief of police Adam hall came over the radio.

"We have search and rescue teams spread out over the area. But, as far as were certain, that place was flattened!"


Ed woke up and gasped. He felt like he was on top of a thick layer of ice and snow. He looked around, squinting. A large ground blizzard had picked up, throwing ice and snow in his face. He tried getting up, pushing hard on the ice. It seemed hard. He felt something weird. After falling over a couple of times, and when he eventually got up, he noticed something different. A lot Different. He was standing on all fours. And he couldn’t get up on two feet.

"What in the....." he mumbled. He looked around. He caught a glance at something that surprised him at first, making him jump around. Nothing. But he swore he saw something. It looked like an animal. He was confused. He looked around again, this time looking behind him. He saw a tail. He followed it down to a body, which led to…him! He was covered in fur, and he had a tail!

“Ok, that’s not normal.”

He Paused, looked around again, then wiped some snow off the ice. It stayed off just long enough to get a look. He was shocked and terrified at the sight. In the reflection he saw a wolf.  A Black and white one. He reached for his face to see if it was real, but froze and pulled it away when he didn’t feel a human hand on his face. When he looked at his hand, he saw a large paw instead. He tried moving his fingers, and the fingers on the paw moved, showing him that this paw was his. He put it back down and backed up and the ice was covered in snow again. He gulped.

"Umm...okay....that’s new.” Inside he was screaming out in terror. But for some reason he couldn’t let it out. He was in shock.

"It’s just a dream. It’s just a dream. It’s....."

He repeated this. He was frantically looking around.

"Need to wake up. Need to wake up." He ran and dove into a snow drift. It went up his new wolf snout, making him cough.

“Oh, that’s unpleasant.” He coughed and looked around again. Nothing. No one else was there. He looked at the snow drift and backed up slowly. He looked around frantically. This wasn't a dream, and he wasn’t asleep. This was real.

He screamed for help into the wind. But the loud storm muffled the echo. He cursed in his mind.

He felt a sudden pain in his chest. When he put his hand...or paw on the pained area, he felt a cold liquid run down it. He was bleeding. He wondered why, but then remembered. When the explosion happened, he was in the car. A small part of the car must have sunk into him! He repeated the call for help, causing more pain in his chest. He hoped that it hadn’t penetrated his lung. A loud howl came from his left side. He jolted and ran. The wind picked suddenly. His injury made it hard to run. He felt a cold smack on the side of his head. A large piece of chipped ice had been picked up by the wind and thrown right at him. He yelped in pain. And he was instantly knocked out.


"Reflections...." Anna white stared at the other wolf in the old ice cave. He was gazing at his own reflection. This wolf was Ed."They can be deceiving." 

Ed looked over his shoulder. He had an angry look in his eyes. Anna saw this and felt sorry for him.

"What makes you think that will help?" he mumbled.

There was a moment of silence. They just stared at each other. Anna white had too woken up to the reflection of a wolf. She had white fur with bright amber eyes. They seemed very cheery for all that’s been happening. Why did they deserve this? Now they were going to die like animals in the freezing cold. Anna had found the old ice cave and slept there. She found Ed unconscious under the snow with blood all over his fur. She picked him up on her back, relieved to feel him still breathing weakly. She managed to carry him in the cave. When he woke up he was in pain, and almost forgot he was a wolf. He had been staring at his reflection since then. (About 30 minutes.) Remembering all that had happened.

Every word they said echoed through the cave. A breeze from the wind outside made a whistling sound through it. The walls were made of shiny ice.

"Think of this." Anna said. "We can survive this kind of weather now."

"We could survive it before. What makes you think that will cheer me up?" Ed replied, still sounding very upset.

"Yeah, ok. But that’s because we had houses and cars...where is that now? Buried. Buried under twenty feet of snow, that where!” she immediately felt guilty for raising her voice. She prayed under her breath. Sadly, she didn’t know who god really was. But she prayed anyway.

Ed sighed. Anna glanced at the mouth of the ice cave.  Thing looked clearer outside.

"Looks like the wind is calming down. We can look more survivors later."

Ed looked down. He had claws. He had become a predator. He looked back up at the reflective wall. His breath made it fog up. The look of anger on his face grew and he was breathing more heavily

"You know, staring at yourself isn't going to change any…”

Before she finished her sentence, Ed burst out in a furious scream, kicking a chunk of ice that flew through the air quickly and shattered on the other wall. His yell rung off the walls and he fell over hard and winced when he felt a sudden stinging pain his chest. He moaned.

Anna came over and looked at the wound. It was bad. His paw and white chest fur were red with blood. He looked at her right in the eye.

“We need to find some fast. It might be infected.”

Ed lay there and breathed deep, trying to calm himself.

"Why?” Ed asked.

"Why what?” 

Anna just looked confused.

"Why did this have to happen to us? What did we do to deserve this?"

"Well…nothing, but…” Anna just let out an exasperated sigh.

"I don’t know."

"Nothing, that’s what, this doesn’t even make any sense! What are we in here? Please tell me this is a dream!" he sounded furious. And a bit stressed. Almost insane.

"No, Ed! This isn’t a dream. If it were a dream you wouldn’t be on tour side in pain!"

Great Ed thought. I’m already turning into an animal.

Anna fell silent. It didn't seem natural. None of it did. She never knew God but she knew he had the power to do this. But why? What did God want with a couple of insignificant teenagers? They were no heroes.

She looked outside. The storm had stopped. And they could see the fog clearing. She looked back at Ed. He looked upset and sad. Did anyone deserve this? He covered his face with his paw, trying to hide his eyes. But felt the unfamiliar feeling of it. He looked at it.

"Come on. Maybe we aren’t the only ones. Listen there is a reason for everything. My dad told me that. He was a catholic but he prayed to god for everything. He died from a gunshot."

Ed opened his eyes a little more.

"Yours too? That’s a coincident."

Anna stated to walk toward the cave entrance. Ed got up and followed behind, toughing through the pain. They stepped out of the ice cave to a sight that was terrifying. What they saw was absolutely nothing.


Now “nothing” can mean a lot of things. You could put it in a sentence like “I did nothing today” or “absolutely nothing happened.”

But the nothing that they saw was indescribable. They didn’t see the empty remains of an old ruined town. And they didn’t see people in the streets minding their own, and acting like nothing had happened. No, they saw the worst nothing one could think of. If man could think of it. They positively, absolutely nothing but white snow as far as the eye could see. And ruins of the town were buried under 6 feet of snow and ice. Houses and stores, even the old science room were all flattened in the explosion. Ed and Anna just stood there, mouths agape and eyes wide. Anna, still terrified, closed her mouth and began to walk out into expanse of indescribable nothing that was at the bottom of the mountain. "....C’mon, we have to see if anyone survived."

Ed kept looking at the awful sight. He was speechless. Why would God destroy a whole town with hundreds of people? Or was it even God. He just stood, unmoved. His truck, his house, everyone he knew was gone. Anna came back up to him and looked him in the eye.

“Hey, are…are you alright?” she looked at him in them. His attention shifted to her, then to the ground. His face grew even sadder.

“Hey, listen,’ Anna's voice softened “I feel the same way. But we have to try our best to get through.” Anna tried to comfort him. Ed managed a small smile, but it was soon erased. They both walked out into the expanse to dig around for survivors.


The military base was up near Juneau, the capital of Alaska. A crackled voice buzzed over a radio in a rain shade cover tent. A group of marines had gathered around under the tent at the table where the radio was. SGM Miller listened for a few minutes and wrote down the coordinates of the small town. When the report was done, the men dispersed and Miller went into the armored building at the south of the base. The marine base was curious at the storm. Some thought it was wind that flattened it. But no one knew for sure He picked a wall phone off the receiver and dialed a number. After a few rings, a man picked up.

"Hello, Can I have Adam Hall?"

The man replied: “this is hall. How can I help you?’

"Yes, Adam? Yes, this is Sergeant Major Miller.... I’m calling about 1nuktitut...how many rescue teams have you got searching...”

“Just two. One north, one south.” The muffled voice answered.

Miller resumed talking. “We need more than that. Do you think you could put a heli on the ice? I and a few will be there at 18:00 in a transport heli. Make sure it’s got plenty of fuel. One heli won’t make it that far."

“Sure. Bring some rescue dogs. The team called back and said there were some places they couldn’t get in.”

“Sure.” He hung up the phone and walked out of the armored building. A helicopter was one the pad waiting for him and three men and two dogs.

He would take it all the way, but he needed multiple helicopters to cover more area. His little police chopper wouldn’t be enough. He had a theory, and hall would be able to help him with it. He just hoped that if his theory was correct, the survivors wouldn’t go wondering

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