This is a funny thing that comes up often enough in my life that I feel I should dedicate an entire post to it.
Buttons; the dictionary describes them as: "any small knob or disk pressed to activate an electric circuit, release a spring, or otherwise operate or open a machine, small door, toy, etc."
I find this to be very interesting as there are many different kinds of buttons, however these unique items will quickly (I fear) disappear entirely to be replaced by touch-screens.
The reason I want to mainly talk about it is to promote my personal preference of which kind of button is my favorite.
(I'm going to go from worst to favorite)
The first button I want to talk about is the one I hate the most, the rubber button. Mostly seen on things like a calculator, I utterly despise these.
When you press it, it squishes down awkwardly and makes no sound whatsoever; so you can't ever really tell if it actually did anything! Ugh... I just hate it, not much else I want to say about it.
The next one is the touch screen, not really a button, but the future of the button.
This one I also find myself disliking, mainly for the lack of tactile response. However when you type something it does give a nice little 'click' that no matter how little you type, quickly gets annoying.
This next one is the classic, big, red button.
Used in every cheesy action movie, this is what the bad guy pushes to (supposedly) release some huge explosion, monster, machine, etc. This can be a common favorite, but I still am not much of a fan. As it very tactile and usually has about 1/2 an inch of compressing space. But to me that's its downfall, as I am not a fan of that much recessing before the actual action is completed.
Alright, wait is over, keyboard?
Yup, the buttons on a keyboard.
There is something so satisfying with pressing those. There is a big enough tactile element with out going over board on the the compressing space. There is a an excellent little click/tap noise that sounds great even when going quickly. It is responsive, elegant, and just plain AWESOME!!!
Yes, this is all silly and not relevant to anything important, but hey; all people are unique and I believe this is a testament of my God given uniqueness!
Let me know what yall's favorite button is.
A.E. signing off.
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