
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

          Oh, boy....I'm sorry, Beasts. I got distracted, and now my blog is late. Well, if it's a bi-weekly thing of course. Nothing really to talk about. School is being... school. Trying to get me to talk in front of people without reference material. Something I'm absolutely TERRIFIED of, but whatever.

          Something else I'm terrified of? Spiders. Hate them. I get panic attacks whenever they're near. The problem? MY HOUSE IS FULL OF THEM!!!! I can't even brush my teeth without almost passing out at the sight of one, as I told you before in a tweet. Y'know, if you follow me on Twitter... which you probably don't.*

          I've been working on a story with some fellow Beasts. It all comes from a roleplay that we had in the chat about a week ago. It's basically an epic fantasy, and we're working pretty hard on it. When it's finished, check it out. Really, it'll be great!

           ALSO. I am in a collab with other Mythical Beasts, a vlogging collab. We decide on one topic every week, make a vlog, send it to one editor, and post it. You can find us at MythicalBeastVlogs on YouTube. Check those out, too.

           Uh...that's about all I can say. Nothing really exciting goin on in my world. 'Cept for getting a summer job and going to driving school. But you don't wanna hear about that...right? ANYWAY.

            Feedback below, as always. Should it be bi-weekly? Want a brief synopsis of the story? Whaddaya think of the MBVs? Anything else?

                                                                               Stay Mythical, everyone!


* @vividwyvern Y'know, in case you wanna follow.

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Comment by Scott (ThunderFalconDragon) on January 31, 2011 at 10:57pm
all sounds awesome (well except the spiders)

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