
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

The following is a list of 100 suggestions for the Wheel of Mythicality as featured on Rhett and Link's Good Mythical Morning. They are a gift for reaching 100 episodes of GMM. At the suggestion of another mythical beast (Gumbo123) I am posting them here for others to enjoy. The list appears as they were given to Rhett and Link (with little, parenthetical messages intact).

  1. Rhett & Link are ghosts
  2. Rhett suddenly turns invisible
  3. Link confides in Rhett a terrible secret
  4. Speak in puns pertaining to the episode’s topic
  5. Look for Ms. Locklear around the GMM studio
  6. Welcome to The Price is Mythical! Rhett & Link are part of a game show
  7. Rhett & Link are pirates
  8. End GMM underwater
  9. Vote Rhett & Link, 2012 (running for Pres. & Vice Pres.)
  10. Shout out to doctors, everywhere
  11. Rhett & Link swap brains! (not impersonations, do it Freaky Friday style)
  12. Rhett wins the Superbowl
  13. Link is terrified by the Wheel of Mythicality (this should be interesting)
  14. Speak in your favorite accent
  15. Alien invaders deliver a message to Earth
  16. Charades (leave a goodbye message using only gestures)
  17. Cowboys… in SPACE!
  18. End show as a lion tamer and his lion
  19. Make up a poem together; Rhett & Link each say one line at a time
  20. Shout out to teachers, everywhere
  21. Rhett & Link are stranded in the arctic
  22. Rhett loses his phone
  23. Link is a door-to-door evangelist from the Church of Mythicality
  24. Nature documentary about the Mouse, the rarest breed of Blue Microphone that still lives in the wild
  25. End the show as a slasher film
  26. The “big one” (earthquake) hits California
  27. Rhett & Link are the audience’s good and bad conscience
  28. End GMM like it’s a kid’s show (i.e. Sesame Street, Dora)
  29. Mythical bird watching with Rhett & Link
  30. Shout out to armed forces, everywhere
  31. Rave party!
  32. Rhett explains why Batman is a better superhero than Hawkman (oh, poor Rhett)
  33. Link sings his rendition of the Fresh Prince theme song
  34. Give a PSA about the episode’s topic
  35. Los Angelesite pandemic (since, apparently, Angelesite “sounds like a disease”)
  36. Rhett & Link have a staring contest with each other
  37. Rhett & Link have a staring contest the audience (!)
  38. End GMM as a mad scientist and his newest, diabolical creation
  39. Say goodbye as Superhero and Sidekick
  40. Shout out to astronauts, everywhere
  41. Evil Rhett & Link from a parallel universe
  42. Rhett explains the meaning of life (and don’t say “42” – that’s an old one)
  43. Link wins the lottery
  44. Speak sentences backwards (individual words can still be spoken normally)
  45. The exorcism of Charles Lincoln Neal
  46. Weird, pretentious art film
  47. Rhett & Link repeatedly interrupt each other
  48. End the show like it’s Dragonball Z
  49. GMM is haunted
  50. Shout out to time-travelers, everywhen
  51. Rhett & Link slow dance (Muahahaha! Dance, puppets, dance!)
  52. Rhett has too much caffeine
  53. Link has a stomach ache
  54. Epic samurai battle! Link has killed Rhett’s master – a quest for vengeance!
  55. Design a mythical new animal
  56. End GMM while tiger hunting
  57. Rhett & Link insult each other till they cry
  58. Tip Jason with whatever happens to be in your pocket
  59. Charity telethon
  60. Shout out to parents, everywhere
  61. Rhett & Link are snobby rich guys
  62. Rhett on his deathbed (his parting words or regrets)
  63. Link on his deathbed (his parting words or regrets)
  64. End GMM while spinning in circles
  65. A séance to channel the spirit of Chia Lincoln
  66. The table is covered in glue; Rhett & Link get stuck
  67. Rhett & Link are teleported to the Moon
  68. Sports commentary program
  69. End GMM as parents at a school play
  70. Shout out to your fellow Internetainers
  71. Rhett & Link have a slap battle!
  72. Rhett is Link’s personal fitness trainer
  73. Link chews gum; puts it in Rhett’s hair
  74. End show as archaeologists, adventuring through a booby trapped tomb
  75. Rhett monologues in squirrel-speak; Link translates
  76. End show as news anchors
  77. Rhett & Link play a 2-player video game
  78. It’s the morning after; Rhett & Link are hung over
  79. Lethargic from a sugar crash
  80. Shout out to Harald V, King of Norway
  81. Rhett & Link have been replaced by robots
  82. Rhett interrogates Link
  83. Link explains the origins of superhero Spayed-Neutero
  84. 10 second hug
  85. End GMM as cavemen
  86. Rocket scientists conducting a dangerous experiment
  87. Rhett & Link peddle a “miracle cure”
  88. Impersonate your favorite fictional characters
  89. Tell us: What is your favorite episode of GMM?
  90. Shout out to your personal inspirations
  91. Rhett & Link drive into a River
  92. Rhett quits his job
  93. Link cheats in cards; Rhett is angry
  94. Three Stooges routine
  95. If you could add one new feature to your car, what would it be?
  96. Call a friend from college
  97. Rhett & Link gradually fall asleep while signing off
  98. Explain the mysterious fate of Chia John Wilkes Boothe
  99. Neither Rhett nor Link will let the other have the final word
  100. Shout out to the wonderful Neal and McLaughlin families

Views: 146


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Comment by Lysh Fish on June 10, 2012 at 1:25am

LOL I love 50! And 58. These are all really good! It should keep them going for a while, I think :)

Comment by deanna bakeonaiter on June 9, 2012 at 10:11pm

rhett should act like link and link should act like rhett

Comment by Victoria (Centauromadoose) on June 9, 2012 at 8:54pm

Ha, these are really great! I hope we get to see a lot of them used in GMM eventually. =)

Comment by Gumbo123 on June 8, 2012 at 12:37pm

10. Shout out to doctors, everywhere

20. Shout out to teachers, everywhere

30. Shout out to armed forces, everywhere

40.Shout out to astronauts, everywhere

50.Shout out to time-travelers, everywhen

60. Shout out to parents, everywhere


I see that you did there . . . very clever!    R&L Kommunity ~ Doctor Who Fan Group

Comment by Jessica (Swamp Chicken) on June 7, 2012 at 11:16pm

This is great! You have some good ones in there.

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