
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Yu (Donskoy)
  • Female
  • Singapore
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Yu (Donskoy)'s Friends

  • Juhi (Swarnix)
  • Atharva from TheTeamAGG
  • Matt (the Troll King )
  • Queenie Ong
  • Gaby
  • Sophie
  • Krakenmagic
  • NathalieL (belucat)
  • Geeya Benourda
  • Alittlelostkitten (Kitty)
  • Kay H. Watson (Black Dog)
  • Shiro (Aerial Nymph)
  • nadia vermeulen
  • Jordyn (Koalizama)
  • Joel Lim

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Opinions are like _____. We all have them, and sometimes they stink.

Beasts from Singapore!


Mythicon-Singapore 2014 and 2015 had been a blast! Thank you to everyone who participated. Super hyped up for 2016 Mythicon! (: You can check out the pictures and videos that were taken in this post, thanks to Gumbo.

If you're a mythical beast from Singapore, please join our Facebook Group: Singapore Mythical Beasts as we would like to connect with you. Information for every year's con will also be released on the group. For now, just hang around and chill with us on there (:

Some boring 'about me' thing below

I'm Yu, I hate moist bathroom floors, or any kind of moist floors, actually. But I often encounter moistness in bathroom floors, so there's that. Welp look, digression. Also did i mention i'm a professional procrastinator???

[Previously Sherl (Black Catsphynx) on the Komm]

Find me on other places! 
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Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 2:51pm on July 22, 2015,

re: MythiCon Singapore - - - please share any pics and videos you have at:

if you did not capture the moment, please send or post a pic of yourself & friends who attended to include in the MC-2015 compilation poster.


At 5:42pm on March 9, 2015,

ATTN:  MythiCon Hosts (and wish-they-would-haves)

Now creating discussion threads for MythiCon 2015 . . . this year new pages are set up as they are requested . . . if you haven't already done so, please grab your spots while they're still available. 

At 1:56pm on July 14, 2014,

A friendly reminder:  MC-2014 ~ Singapore

Stay Beast!

6 Days 'til MythiCon!

At 11:00am on June 3, 2014, NathalieL (belucat) said…


Thank you so much! :-)

And I hope to see some more of yours too! :D

At 1:00pm on May 7, 2014, Geeya Benourda said…
Sure, its good to know other mythical beasts in Sg.. ive already message u.. :)
At 12:24pm on May 7, 2014, Geeya Benourda said…
Hi and yes, i would love to attend the meet up here in Sg.. :)
At 10:50am on May 6, 2014,

It is done!

At 5:23am on May 5, 2014, Shiro (Aerial Nymph) said…
Hi! I saw your message and I would love to attend the Singapore Mythical Meetup :)
At 4:49pm on February 17, 2014, Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud) said…

GMM fellow Mythical Beast & welcome to one of the best places to be on the Internet.  I hope you enjoy your stay & feel free to feast on the many fruits that the Kommunity has to offer.

I also hereby acknowledge your Mythical Mustache  & recite the Kommunity Mythical Anthem "My Hair Song(#Does your hair go up? Does your hair go down?#) in celebration of your arrival.

Don't forget about "Nilla Wafer Top Hat Time" & remember to "Rub Some Bacon On It".

Have fun and take care!!! :)

At 2:49pm on February 17, 2014,
Gumbo V2.0

Welcome to the Kommunity!

Here's a link to my little tour guide that may help you along the path to mythical beastliness ~ Rhett & Link 101 


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