
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Deposit your favorite things from your local event here!

I will cobble together a poster with features from all of the different meet-ups. Might eventually send a copy in to the R&L Studios.

Below is a very rough first draft as this has just begun.

As you can see, I plan to include the profile pic or avatar of all the attendees if possible; so if you can help with identifying some of the folks in your pics that would be helpful.

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all things considered, it went pretty well!

Mythicon Boise


NYC Mythicon!

Another year when nobody showed up to Mythicon OKC can't for next year tho

@ Josh the Mullet  - - NEVER FEAR ! ! !  as a 2-time (attempted) host and most mythical beast in all of Oklahoma you will formally be included as first inductee to the MythiCon Hall of Fame on the compilation poster.  Did you happen to take a selfie at the mall on Saturday?  if not I will just add your profile pic to the poster.


Josh - would you consider posting an actual photo of you?

I've already posted it in the photos, but here you go: the DC Mythicon party of 1.


You're not alone - I'm the only one in Brisbane (Australia) as far as I know and celebrated by staying in bed resting from a bad cold :P

Oh, no!  I feel like such a douchbag!  I totally flaked on the date!  I even had it on my work calendar.  I'm sorry.  Thank for taking a photo, though.

MythiCon Cincinnati! (Yeah, it was really in Kentucky, but so is Cincinnati's airport.)

Christina, myself, Cody, and Colton:

A great looking bunch of beasts.  Hope you don't mind, but I think I'd prefer to use a screen capture from your intro video for the compilation poster I'm working on . . . it's just got too many mythical things going on to pass that one up.




That looks great! I'm glad to have that in photo form! :D


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