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Zebrakinola's Friends

  • isaac charles strom
  • Jung Hoseok
  • Katie (DragonCornFox)
  • Omilia Parker (Dragon)
  • Amy.L
  • Maddie (Sparzlcorn)
  • Colleen Murphy (sealicorn)
  • Renee E
  • Penny Lane (Elkigator)
  • NathalieL (belucat)
  • Jen Matichuk (Basilisk)
  • Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)
  • Erin McMythical (EMc2)

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Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 8:50pm on July 7, 2015,
Renee took over the host position in your absence when no one heard an update from you

I see you have already advised hr and all should be covered
At 12:26am on March 6, 2015,

I created a page for MythiCon Seattle - - putting you in charge to lead the discussion.

Setting it up with the same location that was attempted the past two years, but I honestly don't know if anybody that was involved in the planning actually showed up since I never heard back from any of them after the event date.

If you and the other 2015 meeting locals decide to try a different location, just let me know and I will update your discussion page header with the new address and website.

You should refer to the MC-2014 page below to get some ideas and contact the folks who were involved last time around. 

At 3:49pm on February 10, 2015,

Answers to your Questions:

1.  I don't know.  I guess it was just a Season 6 thing, unless they decide to bring it back later

2.  SAME - - GMM and HHS are in the same building and share support staff.  This shows in the details on every episode of GMM:

Mail us stuff to our P.O. Box
Go to http://rhettandlink.com/contact for details.

3.  Been a fan since the first R&L video I ever saw (The BBQ Song – Rhett & Link) and a member of the community since June 15, 2009 (just 4 days after it opened to the general public) . . . MB #132!!!

4.  There are a fixed number of K-Mod positions available.  At the 2013 annual gathering of mythical beasts international I won out against the previous holder of this title in a best 4 out of 7 match of ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS-LIZARD-SPOCK and assumed the title and all the benefits pertaining thereto, including a lifetime supply of oatmeal raisin cookies and membership to the Bacon of the Month Club.  I have faithfully defended my right to title against all comers since that time, defeating many a beast in valiant bouts of wit and Jello pudding wrestling.

At 4:29pm on December 28, 2014,
Gumbo V2.0
At 4:27pm on December 28, 2014,
Gumbo V2.0

re: Rhett and Link e-mail

The e-mail address that they list on both YouTube and RhettandLink.com's CONTACT US page is labeled "for business opportunities ONLY" and goes directly to their management company.  Without access to Facebook or Twitter, I only know of two options:

   1. send a message directly through their kommunity page link.

   2. send a letter via USPS "snail mail" to:

Rhett & Link

PO Box 6578

Burbank, CA 91510

At 12:52am on December 22, 2014,

re: the GMM cockatrice, his name is BELVEDERE which was determined by a popular vote of the kommunity members (well, at least all those of us who chose to voice an opinion) in a KBE

Belvedere was actually my second choice, but you can see how the KBE worked from all the various suggestions to the final voting at:


At 3:04pm on November 26, 2014,

@ Zebrakinola - - for all the latest on Jason, you should check out: 


He is working with comic writer Josh Failkov, plus still has his own YouTube channel Jawiin where he does comic book reviews and specials, including the Red Shirt Diaries series. 

Latest news is that Jason is still in the running for the co-host job at DC All Access

At 1:45pm on October 28, 2014,

Welcome to the Kommunity!

Here's a link to my little tour guide that may help you along the path to mythical beastliness ~ Rhett & Link 101 


Please also note that all new kommunity members are expected to read, agree and adhere to the spirit of the




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