
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Lauren (Abhay)
  • Female
  • Peoria, IL
  • United States
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  • Matthew Marroquin (reignbear)
  • Brittany
  • Sam Bishop (Draken)

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Welcome, Lauren (Abhay)!

A bit about me!

Hey, everyone! My name is Lauren, and I'm from Illinois. I'm not your typical teenager, really. I mean, my priorities aren't making my parent's angry and hanging out with my friends, so I'm not stereotypical, so... you get what I mean, right? Well, moving on, I'm the middle child of, let's see...7 other children. My parents got divorced when I was little, and they both have remarried, thus why I have so many siblings. I enjoy playing softball. I am a catcher and a second baseman, or basewoman. Whichever you prefer. I am a comic book nerd, especially when it comes to Batman. I enjoy reading books and going outdoors. My little brother has autism, so if anyone here is going through something similar, I'd love to talk to you! Well, that's about all there is for me to tell you. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be here!

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At 12:41am on June 29, 2014,

Peoria would be a great place for MythiCon 2014 - - - Illinois.  I'm just sayin  . . .

Thank you for your consideration and, as always, STAY BEAST!   ~ Gumbo123

What in the wide, wide world of sports is MythiCon?

How to Become a MythiCon Meeting Site Host

MythiCon 2014 - - - Sharing Place for Tips & Ideas

At 9:44pm on June 11, 2014,
Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

At 10:20am on June 11, 2014,

oh yeah . . . Jason is also BATMAN . . .

At 10:17am on June 11, 2014,

I saw your short bio in "A bit about me" and thought that these links might also be of interest to you:

AUTISM - - long time mythical beast and Kommunity member Edlives (Dragon) has a son who is autistic, and he also lead editor of Autisible.com . . .  the website is down for renovations at the moment, but here is a link to Ed's blog to give you an idea of his writings and thoughts on the subject >>> http://edlives.xanga.com/



Comic Book Nerd - - in case you didn't know it . . . Jason Inman (Gorgonaximorus) (until just recently cameraman, producer, editor and all-around studio flunky for the past five years on R&L's daily show Good Mythical Morning) is one of the world's biggest comic book nerds.  Really, I think it's in the Guiness record book or something.  Anyhow, here are links to a komm-fan page Jason is Awesome and also his YouTube account Jawiin which is primarily comic related material that you might enjoy.


At 9:46am on June 11, 2014,

Welcome to the Kommunity!

Here's a link to my little tour guide that may help you along the path to mythical beastliness ~ Rhett & Link 101 


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