
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Meg the Emperor Murmurcorn
  • Female
  • New York City
  • United States
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Meg the Emperor Murmurcorn's Friends

  • Jordan (Steam Powered Machine)
  • Erin McMythical (EMc2)
  • Joe XD (Kaptain Kommunity)
  • Garrett (Gangsta Dragon)
  • Maddie (FeatherZorse)
  • Holly (unicorns)
  • Jason Inman (Gorgonaximorus)
  • John (Jerff)
  • Donna (peachgeek)
  • Mike Burns

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At 12:20am on March 5, 2014, Anita (Caladrius Theless) said…

*on 2nd look, that's probably not a wallet. It's hard to tell in that small picture, but the symbol, at least, is unmistakable. :)  

At 12:16am on March 5, 2014, Anita (Caladrius Theless) said…

Hi Meg! 

I'm attempting to host a NYC MythiCon 2014. (Location to be determined, but likely in Manhattan, or possibly Queens.) Would you be interested/able to join? I sort of hope you will... besides being a fellow Mythical Beast, I think anyone with a Hylian wallet is worth meeting! 

At 2:59pm on February 5, 2013,

Your order is ready for pick-up.  Click image below to view all trading cards.  THE  EMPEROR MURMURCORN is card #2 in the 2012 series, #113 overall, and can be found in the #2 collection below:



At 9:05am on September 18, 2012, John (Jerff) said…
At 2:33pm on September 15, 2012, Bridget (Banana Man) said…

oh! and btw LOVE THE R&L PONIES!!!!

At 2:32pm on September 15, 2012, Bridget (Banana Man) said…

ok that is like  SO AWESOME /)^3^(\ but whats Starfox??? 

At 1:56pm on September 15, 2012, Bridget (Banana Man) said…

we used to have a tree house then we moved... then we moved again... so its been awhile. see me being the middle child and the only girl the games me and my bros played in that old thing were like war games XD still really cool. we used to pretended that it was our fort and that we were being attacked by "bad guys". ah... good times....

At 1:34pm on September 15, 2012, Bridget (Banana Man) said…

ohhh! *facepalm!* derp! ha! sorry i thought it said that YOU lived outside. sorry! so yeah. but it would be cool to live in a tree house! XD

At 12:02pm on September 15, 2012, Bridget (Banana Man) said…

you live outside??? what do you mean? do you get to lie in a tree house??? that would be awesome! XD

At 11:46am on September 15, 2012, Bridget (Banana Man) said…

haha! yeah but i love cats! i dont have any pets :( i would like to get cats and dogs but my mom is allergic to cats. she wants to get a dog tho. maybe someday.... so yeah. anyway. thanks for telling me about your cats! I LUB DEM! and i hope T starts feeling better!  

Meg the Emperor Murmurcorn's Blog

Dat Smexy Hurricane: Day Zero

Posted on October 28, 2012 at 11:09pm 0 Comments

Mmmhrm. Hurricane Sandy is comming my way. I'm not scared- much. I think I might use this blog to say what's up with this storm. I know that if power goes out, I'll tweet about EVERYTHING via text message, so yeah. @GingerWisdomXD

Anyway, it is truly impossible to watch any good TV shows, because everything is interrupted with news broadcasts, telling people in the city to evacuate. I do admire the colors on the radars though. I've just been charging everything up, making last minute… Continue

Lol, My Tears of Mythical Joy

Posted on September 9, 2012 at 10:30pm 2 Comments

Wow! First, Link tweets me back, then he says he loves a picture I drew of him, and then I got featured. Link has made his way into the top twenty on my list of heroes/ role models. And there's a lot of people on that list. I have something to say. I actually started the style of drawing that got featured on like the third, of this month, this year. Never did I think that I would be acknowledged by anyone that I haven't actually met in person on my list. My Murmurcorn heart is beaming right… Continue

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