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Fig (FalconFox)
  • Male
  • Lake City, MI
  • United States
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Fig (FalconFox)'s Friends

  • Andrew Walker (Ganglesaur)
  • William Luke Bailey
  • David Mund
  • Carol McDonald
  • Kevin (Bear Holding a Shark)
  • Mel (Salerbatis)
  • Lori Tanner
  • Aaron Grubbs
  • Parker The Purple Panda-Saur
  • Peter Heggem (The Marsh-wiggle)
  • Edlives (Dragon)
  • Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT
  • Aly And Cate (Two headed AlyCat)
  • DantheMontageMan (Black Wing)
  • The Stinger

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Fig (FalconFox)'s Page


I'm Fig, I live in Northern Michigan, (the NLP) not to be confused with the Upper Penninsula of Michigan (which is also north). I'm a youth pastor and I love serving youth from our congregation and community. We are working hard to mature kids, not just spiritually like a lot of youth groups do, but holistically. So we do a lot of community outreach, offering clean and safe events for youth in our area (in a town of 1,000 there is not much for youth to do besides get into trouble), and life skills education - tutoring, work ethic, etc.

I also work on the side for a local auctioneer - but I do none of the talking. I work mostly on advertising and keeping the website updated with sale bill information and auction items (I also clerk or ring frequently for those who are familiar with the auction business).

I'm married and have two kids. One is a newborn, and our first baby isn't a baby anymore at 2. My hobbies, other than playing with my progeny, include playing games - especially card games and board games. Euchre, Rook, Bridge, Cribbage are all excellent. I feel like playing cards is a social and mental experience that most of my generation is missing out on.

Ever since I first pictured Link as a shirtless bank teller I've been hooked on R&L and have thought many times about dropping everything here to help them do what they do. The amount of people they are reaching with clean humor could literally change the face of entertainment in contemporary culture. It's an exciting frontier to be a part of (even if my part is quite limited).

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 4:11pm on October 3, 2010, ŽaltysEglė said…
At 10:39pm on September 26, 2009, Aly And Cate (Two headed AlyCat) said…
Thank you so much for the invitation of awesomeness :):)
At 5:06pm on September 26, 2009, Rene De La Cruz (El Chupacabra) said…
Another Ministry Dude! Praise God and welcome to everything Manly, here in the Men's Room!
At 2:27pm on September 18, 2009, A Kid Named Stephen said…
for my Randler, I drew up the creature in MS Paint with a tablet, polished the picture up in Flash, and then put all the pictures together in Photoshop.
At 10:56am on September 18, 2009, Mel (Salerbatis) said…
Thanks Fig. You should give it a try; it's incredibly fun to draw anything doing the Lionel pose!
At 11:12pm on September 14, 2009, DantheMontageMan (Black Wing) said…
Fig! Great to see ya at the Locklear premiere couple weeks ago! Glad to finally friend ya on the Kommunity!
At 9:24pm on September 4, 2009, Parker The Purple Panda-Saur said…
Were you at the Locklear screening last week? I think I recognize you from the after-party thing.
At 11:05pm on September 3, 2009, Mel (Salerbatis) said…
Hello to my fellow Michigander! I see you're from the northern region; I'm a little jealous...it's really pretty up there!
At 10:35am on August 4, 2009, Good Monster said…
Yes, I paid good money to be featured! Good catch. yes, my name is from the JOC album.
At 5:51am on August 3, 2009, Edlives (Dragon) said…
good idea... I think I'll do that.

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