
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Brakmek Famfrell (Famfrell)
  • Male
  • New Caney, TX
  • United States
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  • Maverick(Dragotaur)

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MBRP - Part 1

Posted on August 25, 2012 at 4:08am 1 Comment

"What...." he muttered, confused. "Oh my god!"

"What happened to us?"

"How the heck should I know? I look demonized!"

We had both changed in appearance. Drastically. Mav had changed completely, his head that of a lizard, his torso covered in scales, wings, his arms, thicker and scaled, with only 3 thick, long fingers, his legs covered in long, shaggy hair, his feet, hooves.

Now I on the other hand, was in the same general Human shape, but there were...…


Roleplay - Intro

Posted on August 25, 2012 at 2:31am 1 Comment

"So... Maverick, how are you doing?" I asked as our hiking party reached the top of the cliff.

"Um, fine. I'm right here, with you and all the others."

As we reached the edge of the cliff, I faced him. "You know what I mean, about your-"

Suddenly, the earth shook and rumbled, and all we could do was hold on to the grass. "Oh God!" one of our team screamed as the cliff crumbled into a giant fissure that had opened in the ground far below. As he fell, so then did another,…


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At 3:58pm on August 26, 2012,

Welcome to the Kommunity!  here's a little tour guide that may help you along the path to mythical beastliness ~   Rhett & Link 101

At 2:37pm on August 25, 2012, Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf) said…

Welcome to the Kommunity!

Enjoy and be beastly!

Jesus Christ is LORD!


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