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My drawing of Rhett from "Will It Pancake?" Taste Test

I haven't drawn anything this detailed in YEARS! Not kidding.
This is my pencil interpretation, as close as I can get, of Rhett from "Will It Pancake?" Taste Test, GMM 889. @ 7:32 in the video. https://youtu.be/XEsjOIKLP74.

I actually saw Jaymie (Jayameez)'s screenshot she posted in the comments of Rhett & Link's Facebook page post of Rhett ("Today. #Eating") and the whipped cream looked like a white mustache on Rhett! Idk, I guess I felt compelled to try to draw the facial expression from that screenshot. :) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=858726327582529&set=p.858726327582529&type=3&theater.

Notes: I decided to bring the eyes down more forward since that is the way I've always drawn eyes. I'm not great at proportion, so I'm sorry, I know it looks kinda weird. My art teacher in high school always said "Leave it" when we had to finish projects or whenever we felt like we had completed our work and in my experience, that's true because if you go back and re-do something, it sometimes ends up worse than what it was. I also know the head is smaller to proportion, but I started with the eyes and worked around. Hair is difficult to do! A few tricks I discovered were to add a mix of straight lines & small curls to make the beard look curly and soft, and with the top of the head, shading and erasers to highlight adds depth.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. I haven't drawn like this in a long time, so I was actually surprised I could do it again. and I'm terrible at drawing people.

I've always loved art, I just never made it a real thing I would do all the time. I actually have a small catalogue of paintings I've done since high school if anyone's interested in seeing more work. I also really appreciate any constructive criticism from artists! I would like to try to get better!

Ask me for permission before reposting or sharing elsewhere, please. Thank you!

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Comment by Heather S. (YogaGhost) on March 31, 2016 at 11:57am

Haha, I can't draw. This is awful. I have noticed that everything I have drawn looks like a cartoon. Maybe I should try drawing cartoons instead.

Comment by Grace (Pheasphant) on March 31, 2016 at 5:33am

Wow! This is really good! I wish I could draw like that!

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