
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:         Klyde Warren Park

Address:          2012 Woodall Rodgers Freeway, Dallas, TX 75201 

Website:           http://www.klydewarrenpark.org/ 

Your Host:       Trey Clanton

Facebook Event Page:  www.facebook.com/events/839743649492622/

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We are up to 10 going and 30 more interested! I have been planing hard and we are going to have a mythical time! If you are in the area you will not want to miss it so can't wait to see you all there!


That’s right, from Let the Tigers Tiger tees to stickers, we will be giving away a variety of R&L swag to those who prove themselves to be the biggest fans in Dallas! 

See you on Saturday!

Question of the day: What have you always wanted to see on the Wheel of Mythically??
This is important because on Saturday we HAVE ONE! That's right, I am going to challenge you to spin the wheel! Will you sing a song, do a dance, or get to show off your #GMMWinFace? Guess you will find out!

EXPECTING to see much pics and video of your event.  It sounds like you have a lot going on, and Dallas will likely be a featured event in this year's MythiCon compilation poster . . .

As you may know, this season instead of a boulder or museum, Rhett and Link have started the Mythical Keychain! If you have a letter or keychain that you want to send to R&L then bring it! I will send a group package from the Dallas Mythicon to show them how much we love everything that they do!

Have no fear Mythical Beasts! If we need it, I will be updating you all with a rain location within easy walking distance of the park! See you all there! Just look for the Wheel of Mythicality by the park stage!

GMM #971 ~ Will It Sushi? at 13:05 DALLAS REPRESENTED!!!



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