
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:       Bryant Park, NYC
Address:        between Fifth and Sixth Avenues / 40th and 42nd Streets in Midtown Manhattan,

                      New York City, NY, USA

meet up at:   Shaw Lowell’s Memorial Fountain. (#11 on this: map)

Website:        http://www.bryantpark.org

Your Host:    Anita (Caladrius)Karyn (Greater Horned Dingle)  



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ack! i am so sorry i never saw this!  do we still need this? because i'd be TOTALLY in to doing a card!

Yes! If it's not too late to take you up on this offer, I would be absolutely elated to have you create the card! 

I'm so down for this! Let me know if you guys need anything. I'm a designer and photographer :)

Brilliant! Really looking forward to this. 

If you're willing, it would be great to have you take charge of photography.

I at least want to get a group photo in, to send to Rhett & Link, along with a card and any small items for the Mythical Mail Boulder that people want to contribute. 

We may also want to get a bit creative. (See some suggestions here from the Mythicon Sharing Place.)

Let me know if you're up for this!

Sounds good! Ill take the reins on photography. I would be down to do something creative as well.

This seems like it would be really fun to meet up with some other Mythical beasts in NYC. I am totally going, as this would be my first Mythicon and first con type event. Can't wait!

This will be my first Mythicon, or any-con, too. And I'm hosting! Ha...
A meeting of Mythical Beasts is bound to be interesting, and Bryant Park is a great place to hang out. Looking forward to seeing you there!

I'll might go, it seems like it'd be a fun thing to experience. I've never been to a Mythicon or any type of con. before so I don't know what to expect. I'm assuming it's just a public meet-up for all the Mythical Beasts within the area?

I just want to know if there'll be any planned activities or such. I'm not a huge sociable person so I might feel sort of awkward meeting up with people I don't really know... I might even chicken out :P

Krinina, forgive my lack of response! I am preparing an update, and will be posting it shortly, with more details. I really hope that you make it! Don't chicken out! Be brave, Mythical Beast.  

I was wondering what time we should all meet up at Bryant Park this Saturday. I am really looking forward to this and I want to be on time to enjoy all the fun~

I do believe that all the MythiCon meetups are being done at 1pm, local time. We'll stick to that, unless otherwise noted - and any such major change will be posted on this thread AND on your page (if your security settings allow me to leave messages on it.)

Expect an update on this thread shortly, with all the details and a roll call for Saturday! 

NYC MythiCon 2014 Update!

Saturday, July 19

1:00 pm ET

Bryant Park Meeting Location: Shaw Lowell’s Memorial Fountain. (#11 on this: map)

Closest entrance to this fountain is on 6th Ave and 41st St.

Known/Potential Attendees (Please confirm)

  • Marisa (Freemaniac), and the hubby. Please confirm if you are able to bring a sign! As sign bringers, it will be important for you to arrive just a little early, as our Mythical Beasts will be flocking to your banner.

  • Rebekah Jorge(Asuka the Dragolf). And perhaps your adorable daughter?

  • Karyn (Greater Horned Dingle). Please confirm if you are able to bring a card for the Mythical Beasts to sign and send to Rhett & Link

  • Em Grey. Also, please confirm that you will be able to take charge of photography!

  • Larxie Rivera

  • Krisnina (Kyūketsuki)

There is a very real chance that I will be unable to attend the event. Most of my Saturdays for the last few months have been spent with my father, who has stage 4 cancer, and my disabled stepmother. I am only able to visit (and help) them on the weekends.

Nevertheless, I consider it a joy to facilitate this event. If anyone would like to step up as my cohost, even at this late juncture, it would be appreciated. There’s nothing to it. I would say your main task would be showing up, being friendly, and making sure Rhett & Link get the stuff we want to send them (see below). Em, as the photographer, you should coordinate with this co-host to send them the photos.


  • If you so choose, bring a very small (let’s cap it at about 2” high and 1.5" wide) object for the Mythical Mail Boulder. (Perhaps a NYC keychain or magnet, to represent our meeting?)
  • Sign a group card to Rhett & Link, to send with the above.

  • Take a group photo to send with the above. Also can do the “Lionel pose” photos. Doing the Lionel is like a rite of passage for Mythical Beasts!

  • There is literally SO MUCH TO DO at Bryant Park. No kidding. A $3 carousel ride? Check. Food/sandwich kiosks? Check. Free board games like Apples to Apples, Scrabble, Jenga, dominoes and more? Check. Ping pong? Check. Outdoor reading “room”? Check.

    Don’t make me list all the possibilities. Go to their site: http://www.bryantpark.org/ Seriously, even if by some cosmic fluke you were the only Mythical Beast to show up, you should still be able to enjoy yourself.

  • A small Priority Flat Rate box through the Post Office is $5.80. If you’d like to contribute towards that, great (and would be less than a dollar per person, if everyone was able to chip in). Otherwise, cohost, could you either cover the cost, or meet up with me at a Manhattan Starbucks on another day and I’ll pay for it? (Assuming I don't show up myself, which I might.) 

  • Optional, if anyone is feeling very ambitious: Someone can create a Rhett & Link/Mythical themed Table Talk. All you need to do is put a bunch of questions in a bowl and everyone answers the question as they are drawn. They can be questions that provoke further conversation or reminiscing of our favorite R&L videos, or they can be icebreaker type stuff to help us get to know each other.


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