
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Em Grey
  • Female
  • Long Island City, NY
  • United States
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  • Anita (Caladrius Theless)

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At 2:36pm on July 21, 2014,

@ Em - I suppose you were behind the lens on the MythiCon-NYC photos you posted up today, but hope you got in front of the camera at some time.  I caught a brief glimpse of you on Karyn's video with the protestors, but the clarity is too low to do a screen capture from there.

At 5:32am on July 16, 2014, Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud) said…

GMM fellow Mythical Beast & welcome to one of the best places to be on the Internet.  I hope you enjoy your stay & feel free to feast on the many fruits that the Kommunity has to offer.

I also hereby acknowledge your Mythical Mustache  & recite the Kommunity Mythical Anthem "My Hair Song(#Does your hair go up? Does your hair go down?#) in celebration of your arrival.

Don't forget about "Nilla Wafer Top Hat Time" & remember to "Rub Some Bacon On It".

Have fun and take care!!! :)

At 10:25pm on May 2, 2014, Anita (Caladrius Theless) said…

Hi! As host, I'm sending friend requests to NYC Mythicon attendees, since becoming friends allows me to send you messages. However, please don't feel obligated to accept the friend request. I won't get offended or ask why, and I can still reach you by posting on your profile.

Cheers! :) 

At 3:18am on May 2, 2014,

Welcome to the Kommunity!

Here's a link to my little tour guide that may help you along the path to mythical beastliness ~ Rhett & Link 101 

At 8:25am on May 1, 2014, Spencer (Smofgrog OF DOOM) said…

Welkomm to the Kommunity!!!!   Here's a link to a group for new members to join and ask questions, or meet other beasts. Group for New Members

If you are having a hard time finding stuff to do, or just don’t know what that options are here is a link for you! 10 Steps to Becoming a Mythical Beast

Have Fun!


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