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I'm not sure which (if any) of Rhett's new replacement phrases from today's episode are actually t-shirt worthy . . . "I'm just saying!"   (another one that needs to be retired permanently)


I think "No offense, but..." should be banned as well.

Agreed, because it's invariably followed up by something offensive.

Not to mention "not to mention"

"But, honestly,  . . . " 

You mean to tell me that everything you've said up to this point is a lie?

I would like to rid the world of "I feel like" ... do you really feel it? Maybe you're thinking it or believing it.



I'm not really a grammar nazi . . . not by any stretch of the imagination . . . but here goes. 

You know what makes me sick?

You know what makes me so angry I want to take a Heath Bell brush-back pitch right between my two eyeballs?!?!? 

1) the repeated and unconscious use of filler words  "UM" / "YOU KNOW" / "LIKE" in speaking. 

      Notice: that is not me in the video illustration that follows. Be prepared for boredom.


2) even worse than filler words is any use whatsoever of any of the following phrases

       " . . . and I was like . . . "

       " . . . and he was like . . . "

       " . . . and they were like . . . "     etc.

People, the correct word is "said" which is the past tense of the verb SAY as in "I said" / "he said" / "they said" etc.



The repeated usage of this idiotic phrase should be punishable by long-term solitary confinement so that the guilty party is forced to listen to their own ramblings until such time that they either understand how foolish and senseless and totally clueless they sound and vow forevermore to change their ways and strive for the proper use of language or else they bore themselves to death.  Is that asking for too much?

No offense intended, but our very own beloved Mr. Rhett McLaughlin (bless his heart*) actually does this quite often . . . reference the 29 "like"s and at least 10 "was like"s that occur in the three-minute segment 2:00-5:00 of the following video . . . there may be more but I tired of counting.


*  It's a Southern thing, making it perfectly okay and acceptable to talk about somebody in a seemingly negative fashion.  Rhett will understand.


RANT OVER.  Forgive me. Thank you for listening and understanding.

You may now continue with the remainder of your day already in progress.

I think you are completely justified in this.

I have to admit that I'm guilty of using uh/um/like way too much. I hate that I do it, but many times I say it unconsciously. In normal conversions I'm usually okay, but if I'm nervous or excited it becomes unbearable. It's just one of those things I need to work on.

I use "like" in place of "said"occasionally, but only when I'm talking very casually or informally to people like friends or family. It's one of those things I don't really realize I'm doing as a speak, since I would never do it in writing. It just looks so wrong on the page.

Yes! I cannot stand "And I was like..."

I have a friend who says it every other sentence. I have sometimes counted it. I have also noticed that I am beginning to use it because I hear it so often. I try to make an effort to stop myself when I see myself going down that road.

Thank you for trying.  That means the world to us ranters.  Far to many don't try and don't care.  You are to be commended!

My cousin used to have a habit of saying "true" all the time!  Now everyone I see says it!


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