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we all know all christians dont believe the same some pentecostals, like me, and some range from anything from methodist to baptist. so what are you and why lets get some conversation and debates goin. but come on yall keep it nice.

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I am a Christ-follower. The church that I belong to is the Church of God out of Cleveland, TN. We are pentecostal. I could say the whole line, "it's not a religion, it's a relationship" but it's even more than just a relationship with Jesus that makes things worth it. It is a lifestyle that we must abide by. There are certain things that we can and can't do. Jesus said that if we love Him, then we'd obey Him. How many of us truly love Jesus?
I am also a Christ follower. I attend an Assembly of God church and school. I don't think that matters as much as having a body of believers that love Jesus, though. =]
Hey mods! I think we have a bunch of good boys and girls who play fair and by the rules here. But the moment anyone gets out of line here, you need to be on it like chorizo on huevos!

So with that... May the force be with you, live long and prosper, we are the world and I'd like to buy a world a Coke.

I don't really go to a denomination. My church never really deals with that subject. we call ourselves a Bible believing church. To me, though, the most important thing is salvation. The other stuff matters, but not in the eternal sense that salvation does.
I'm Christian and only Christian.
I've never joined a denomination. I started out attending a Calvary Chapel, and then a few years at my inlaw's conservative baptist church. Now we go to Harvest Bible Chapel. I guess I'm a middle of the spectrum as far as conservative/charismatic. I just got finished serving at a VBS for a neighboring Four Square church and it was really a blessed event. I think we're all brothers and sisters as long as we agree on the basics - who Christ is and how to be saved. I've never seen much debate on those two essentials.
I think it's important to remember that debate doesn't always mean put up your dukes. For those who enjoy exploring the views of others, it can be an exhilarating process if done respectfully. But, I think I can speak for Rhett & Link when I say this kommunity is a place where we'd prefer to foster unity rather than emphasize diversity. Remember, we are called by Jesus to be salt and light in the world, so please let's make our conduct here be our testimony so the non-Christians on the board might be blessed by encountering us here!

(I'm a non-denominational, non-charismatic Christian who attends a charismatic church.)
You put that well Lynn!
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often referred to as Mormons).
Hello fellow LDS :)
My church is part of the Evangelical Free Church of America.
Basically we just believe the Bible, love Jesus, and really focus on sharing the Gospel.
Ya know, it's the Great Commission, not the Great Suggestion (:
Sorka and I are members of the Church of the Brethren, which grew out of the Anabaptist movement back in 1708. A common saying you'll see under their logo is "Continuing the work of Jesus, Peacefully, Simply, Together." and that describes us fairly well. That's not to say that there are no bumps in the road, but with the Bible as the instruction manual for our life and with our eyes on Christ, we can walk together in peace.


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