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OK, so, what are the differences between the Christian beliefs, and what else is in the world? Here you post the differences, why you think that, and challenge us with more questions!

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I have to say I have been reading through this and I love it.
We live in a world where people do not want to hear right or wrong, black and white, one way only. They want to believe God is making suggestions with hopes we'll hear Him. But He isn't. He is saying 'obey me'. They hate hearing that as human beings, we suck so bad at trusting and following God that He had to send his Son to die a gruesome awful death. If there was any other way other than Jesus, God would have come off that cross.
It is really frustrating for me to hear people say all beliefs in whatever God lead to the same place. They don't. They just don't. They can't because that would contradict who God is and God is just and He is good. And He is the only one.
Seriously, if we could get to God through ghandi or worshipping a statue or something, would God really send His sweet wonderful perfect Jesus to be brutally murdered by a bunch of jerks? No that would be stupid. But it WAS the only way, still IS the only way and people hate to hear that. So I really dig the sparring in attempts to draw out of us why we believe what we believe and learning how to do so in a way that isn't harsh but diplomatic and respectful while adhering to the truth. It helps me deepen my convictions at least. I hope it does for everyone in here.
I appreciate how this discussion went. There are a lot of tough questions out there we're going to one day have to answer. He's worth everything, isn't he :) Can you guys imagine where we'd be if He hadn't loved us? What a beautiful God.
I'm reeeaaaaallllllllyyy late coming to this discussion, but let us reopen this can of worms. In the case of lying there are two categories 1) Bearing false witness against your neighbor (e.g. libel, slander - the context of harm to others or for personal benefit or gain) 2) lying to protect others from harm or evil. So for the question, Is it okay to lie? without embracing the post modern lie of moral relativism, I would give an answer that (if over simplified) could appear that way. My answer would be "possibly." If a Nazi soldier asked me if a Jew was hiding in my house, I would lie to protect the innocent from murder. The ethic of love forces me to evaluate what is the lesser evil among bad choices. I am not exonerated from my responsibility or consequences. I posit that it is worse to deliver the innocent to the evil than it is to lie to the evil in order to protect the innocent. I firmly believe in moral absolutes. the reality and messiness of life does not allow for oversimplification or pat answers. Knowing the truth is essential if one hopes to correctly and appropriately apply that truth. Great discussion topic. Blessings!

Jack Stevenson The RowelPyranto said:
No hard feelings generated on my part, I love a great debate!

Kevin R. (Flaming Arba) said:
Alright, here we come to where I am going with this... We live in a postmodern culture that has a hard time with absolutes. So in a situation like that where someone raises the question of "Is lying wrong?" I believe that the 'automatic' answers of "God said so." or "The Bible tells me so," are not sufficient enough to members of this culture to adjust their means of living. We, then, would need to show the How or the Why God has the authority to ask such a thing of us. We need also to uncover the character of God within their heart and show it to them. So in the case of Lying, Lying is indeed wrong; and because it is contradictory to the character of God, Who is Truth.

That is the best start to a explanation that I have been able to come up with... (sometimes it gets my head into a knot) So I hope that I have not made any enemies by starting this discussion in this manner. I am glad that your responses were genuine and indeed truthful.

Jack Stevenson The RowelPyranto said:
OK Kevin, if you lie, and don't know that you did, and what you said you truly thought was the truth then that's a completely different story.

Kevin R. (Flaming Arba) said:
I suppose I could say, it depends on the situation... but watch my response to Jack as we draw this out a little more. ...To be sure, my heart is in the right place.

Jeanette WifeMom (horphin✞) said:
Is sinning wrong

Kevin R. said:
Alright, here's a question. Is lying wrong? Why? (I am going somewhere with this)


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