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I'd like to know some thoughts about the new service YouTube is providing to skip ads and have a sort of "two screen" experience (gaming while videos in background) for $10 a month. I don't see a lot of positive feedback do far. Personally, I don't mind the ads and sponsorships. I was afraid when it got out about the pay that Youtubers are getting someone would eventually have the bright idea to charge consumers just like DISH, or Direct TV. They hold the argument that someone with 10 million or more viewers are going to want to keep watching their favorite youtuber's content and they will pay. Hopefully it will be a choice not forced.

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If everyone didn't have ads wouldn't the you tubers loose one of the ways they make money?

I've try to do some research, but it's hard for me to be impartial or level headed when I feel strongly about something. I can't always easily see both sides. But, I'm thinking, if YouTube charged $10 a month to every subscriber, THEY could pay the Youtubers and probably pay them better. I mean, just the GMM channel has over 8 million subs, multiply that by $10 a month, then multiply that by Fekix's subs that don't crossover and Markiplier's subs that don't crossover. I'm sure some of the subscribers are the same, but so many genres are available that tons would roll in from even the likes of Hobby kids TV. More people have access to YouTube that even at $10 a month they old put satellite out if business, maybe even Hulu or Netflix if they offer more. I don't wanna give anyone ideas, maybe I just wish I would have thought of it.

Vessel is $2.99.

I won't be paying for YouTube Red. Not unless all my fav creators go on it and tbh I can't see that.

There is an update that is flowing around and being retweeted my Youtubers...the top 7 things content contributors need to know. #3 is what scares me. In so many words, it says you don't have to have your content on YouTube red, you will still get paid like you do now, BUT with people paying fees, part of that will pay them as well. Basically sounding like , you don't have to but you will make more money.... I cannot attach files from my device or I'd share the tidbit.

Personally, I don't think I have a use for dual screens and I already use adblock (just whitelisting the Youtubers I support), so no I don't see the point. 

I don't think they'd ever have a blanket charge on content. Too many creators and subscribers would leave for another platform. 

Well, Superwoman and Pewdiepie have released Youtibe Red Exclusive content and Hank Green released a video just hours ago in strong favor of it. He mentioned his love of it as a user and the fact that he actually cancelled his Spotify subscription because of it, and made sure to end his video by promoting it as a creator as well. I caught Pewdiepie on Conan the other night as he was promoting his exclusive content and I was intrigued, though I am not a fan of his. It gets me right in the gut to imagine that one day Rhett and Link will release content on Red that I will have to pay to see or just be excluded from it. I have purchased merchandise, I have donated for causes. Those things are tangible and helpful to those in need. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around paying to see a series from a VERY small group of creators. A 'new normal' is heading our way, I guess.

I feel like I'm not really clear on all the details, but when I started seeing promotion for what appears to be serialized content, I got the idea that this might become something akin to Netflix, but with completely original content. I don't have a strong opinion of it at this point, but I wouldn't be able to subscribe if I wanted to right now. I just wanted to share that thought.

I think youtube is trying to find ways to make money. Think about it- it costs us absolutely nothing to use their product( youtube)

Rhett and Link aren't going to do YouTube Red, are they?

If they are, I can't pay :(

As an Aussie, youtubeRed is not available here yet. 

theres only like 1 person that im subbed to that posts to that anyway and im just eh about them.

so, even if it did come here, i dont think id sign up for it i mean why pay for something when youtube is already free...doesnt make sense to me lol 

Well, should we bring this discussion back to the surface giving the recent events leading to what seems like a YouTube Red project in the works? This link will take you to a semi public FB page that show about 5 minutes of BTS and what seems to be someone from "crowd control" announcing that it is a YouTube Red project. https://www.facebook.com/beth.saguilla

The video went from around 60 views to almost 100 in about 30 minutes. I don't know if that FB profile will stay public if they notice a lot of traffic or not. If you are not afraid of spoilers, get over there while you can.


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