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Me is muy muy SQUIRELLY! Haha, great job Rhett and Link! My best friend and I yelled that in the middle of lunch, and people were eyeing us. I cant stand holding a leash for an ugly rabid untrained squirrel for the rest of my life ;)
Does the squirrel have any special abilities? Foe example if you feed him guacamole does he develop incredible strength and the ability to carry me from place to place? Does the squirrel sleep? Does it have a family? Will they visit? While they visit are they leashed to me as well? Will it soil in my hair?
There are just so many factors to consider...
I think I will choose the squirrel simply due to the unknowns. Endless possibilities.
I would Rather be Squirrelly because that's just cool!! I would Be one on millions of Squirrelly people in Alabama! hahah :P
this strongly dpends. With the endless hunger is there a super charged metabolism? If not then the lisp. If there is and I'd never gain weight, then eating. Always always hungry

JeanetteWifeMoMhorphin✞Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ said:
Lisp definitely lisp. I love to feel satisfied after I eat.

Megan said:
Would you rather have a lisp for the rest of your life, or always be hungry ( like no matter how much you eat you could never feel full)?
I think I'd rather have the squirrel. It'll die after three to seven years. I'd never stop being SQUIRRELLY!
I'm going with the squirrel because I consider myself a squirrel whisperer. If that didn't work, at least I wouldn't have to give hugs to weird relatives. That's a plus.
I too am a squirrel whisperer. We must have grown up in the same dojo

JoJo Dodd (Capricious Penguin) said:
I'm going with the squirrel because I consider myself a squirrel whisperer. If that didn't work, at least I wouldn't have to give hugs to weird relatives. That's a plus.
ooooh now that is a valid point

Wanda (Sea Llama) said:
I think I'd rather have the squirrel. It'll die after three to seven years. I'd never stop being SQUIRRELLY!
Would you rather always have the taste of sour milk in your mouth no matter what you eat or drink, or would you rater always smell the odor of a sewer no matter how close or far from one you are?
OOOOOOOOoooooooooooooOOOOOOhhhhhhhh Lindsay! Good one. I'mma say this- I used to live in this little town that had a slaughterhouse in it. When they'd get that thing going you could actually see the smell coming at you. Eventually, a couple years into living there I got used to it, but it was EXACTLY like an open septic tank. SOOO not that you asked for biography but I think you can acclimate to smells but NEVER to sour milk. So I think...smell. ALthough you do end up tasting what you smell. But then people would smell what you're tasting too because your breath would also be sour milky....WOw
Smell. Definately smell. Sorry for discecting my thoughts in front of all of you........

Lindsay said:
Would you rather always have the taste of sour milk in your mouth no matter what you eat or drink, or would you rater always smell the odor of a sewer no matter how close or far from one you are?
I would rather going into a public place screaming I am SQUIRRELLY! Well u only embarrass your self once and then it's all down hill from there. I had embarrass my self before so I going down a really long hill that some reason is not ending,
I say squirrelly...I want to try it now... JUST to see what reactions I would get. However, I'd like to see you guys do the Squirrelly thing :)


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