
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


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I would rather be squirrelly because, well, I'M SQUIRRELLY!
Squirrelly because people might think it's funny but with squirrelled you would get bitten alot :-)
I would rather be Squirrelly, at least that way i could be at peace sometimes, rather than having a untrained Squirrel attached to myself doing its business near me all the time. lol
Because the squirrel is untrained and wild - it could not be passed off as a "seeing eye squirrel" - thus making entering most restaurant establishments impossible. Because I have become fond of silverware and do not like eating out of paper bags - I would have to go with the " I am SQUIRRELLY" Picking either option would most likely get you thrown off a plane - so neither excites me. Please come up with something more practical like having a pickle sprout from the end of my nose or having webbed feet. Something that will not impede one's lifestyle : ).
squirrelly, The squirrel would be a terrible nuisence when showering
I would rather have a squirrel with me because it would be constant entertainment mixed with constant fear/nervousness. Your life would never be boring! Also, I think it would be a great way to pick up the ladies... maybe.
Ahaha, I'd totally be squirrelly, cause I already do stupid things like that all the time. It's FUN. :3
I would rather be squirrelled. I could eventually train the little beast to pick up trash and any money that might me on the ground. He could feed me popcorn and fetch the remote. It would also give me good excuses. Sorry officer, it was my squirrel... hehas a bit of a lead foot. Ya know... imporant stuff!
I would rather have the squirrel on a leash with me at all times. I could always put it in a box and my sister is afraid of squirrels so if she is mean to me i'll just sick it on her and she'll leave me alone.
Squirrelled, for sure. Every Batman needs their Robin. My Robin would just be small, furry, and verging psychopathic. ...So exactly the same. Word.
right now id rather be squirly but in 50 years when i can pull off the senile look ide rather be squirled. id be able to explain my squrrellinity to those who asked and that would get me excused from most sichuations but, when i look senile ide rather be squirrelled that whay when people say "omg that poor old man!" or "omg that poor squirrll!" i can say "what squirrell?" and people wold take me (and my squirl) away to padded rooms were i can bounce off the walls screeming "soylent green is made of people!!!" Or a faximily there of.
Squirrelly no doubt about it. I'd rather look like an idiot than have a crazy squirrel around me all the time.


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