
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

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I would rather....Pee for a long time....Get stabbed....Pee...Stabbed......AHH!!! I CAN'T DECIDE!!! (P.S I chose getting stabbed....OR DID I??)

I'd rather be stabbed.... It would get really annoying if I had to pee for that long....

i would say stabbed. cause.. i have always wanted to know what its like to be stabbed.. :S not to be weird or anything.

plus i dont want to sit there and pee for about a year or two or forever.. :S


and being stabbed is quick. get it over with. lol!


peeing, because I am sure I could sleep that way, and I am out of school for ages so it wouldnt be awkward, I would just need entertainment because it would get really boring... and stabbing doesnt sound nice, even if it is non-lethal I would still rather have to sit on the bog for a long time than be stabbed.

Well, maybe I'm overrating it, but I think I rather be stabbed. I want to get stabbed like after being in a sweet samurai sword fight, in which I defeat and spare my opponent! 

I'd rather get stabbed ....yeah it would hurt but I'd take that rather than an endless flow of pee which could last forever :/


peeing.....that's just kind of odd.

I still say stabbed.. cause.. being the weird person i am.. i kinda want to know what it feels to be stabbed.... :S




ha.. :\

Pee...I could just switch bottles..or use a super pad! lol ;) 

If it was with a butter knife, then I'll get stabbed.  I've already seen near-death experience up close, and who knows how long I'll go on peeing.  I'd need a lot of things to entertain me, or internetain me, if you know what I mean
Stabbed. Did you knowknow rats constant ly pee
Peed because i cant pee im a robot! End of response 17489. Shut down code activating...


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