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So, which do you pick?

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You can, but you have to eat it ALL.

Mack (Alrokabeesk) said:

XD Can I cook this cow?



Kommunity Kows are officially in protest of this discussion thread!

LOL! I'm with the kows on this one!

Gumbo123 said:

Kommunity Kows are officially in protest of this discussion thread!

I'm from Texas, so I'm not against cow eating.  I am, however against Cowhuahua eating mainly because they are endangered(one of the two in existence is under the care of Rhett and Link).  Just thought I'd clarify that!


Here's a question:  Would you eat a cow while jumping 5 stories?

Gumbo123 said:

Eat fast.

Tim Heisler (El Cowhuahua) said:
 Would you eat a cow while jumping 5 stories?



Haha I'm totally a cow eater! I'm extremely afraid of heights, so sorry to all the cows out there, but I would rather eat the cow.


But a Cow-affe on the other hand, now that's be a different story ;)

Gumbo123 said:

I would totally have to eat the cow. I'm not great with heights. I wouldn't have a problem eating the whole cow but I would have to cook it. I wouldn't want to get mad cow disease - haha!

alex hosmer (the cowdvark) said:
eat a cow. just like eating a very large burger
Yes, but you must eat it all.

Mack (Alrokabeesk) said:

XD Can I cook this cow?




Gumbo123 said:

alex hosmer (the cowdvark) said:
eat a cow. just like eating a very large burger
See? I changed my mind. The cow must be eaten 100%, but it doesn't actually have to be raw.
And the building, special effects ARE allowed, as well as safety gear.
INVALID [The Dreidel] said:
Yep, the cow has to be raw. And no special effects like in movies, just your average building.

Dani (Pegasaur) said:

Depends......is the cow raw? like its just standing there in the field and i have to take a bite out of it...and jumping the 5 stories is it like the hollywood films where they have those big stunt blow up things at the bottom?......


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