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OK I have to ask first What is a stroopwafel????? is it similar to an eggo? I never heard of it before
Anyway I could be silent but if the stroopwafel ( are tasty ) I could say good morning stroofwafel how was your stroofwafel day. Please pass the stroofwafels this way.
I can see where the stroopwafel thing would be problematic at work, though so would being silent for a month unless you can convince them you have severe laryngitis. However, I wouldn't want to have the congregational Scripture reading assignment that month. It would also be tough conducting my Bible study lesson. Unless we can determine that stroopwafel is the Scandinavian equivalent of "selah". A pastor conducting a wedding ceremony might have difficulty. Political speeches probably wouldn't be any more confusing than normal,although some might suspect coded messages to sleeper cells or secret agents in place. Stroopwafel stock would soar, sales would triple due to the constant advertising via newsreaders constantly using the word in addition to having to report on the ubiquitous use of "stroopwafel" and its effects on the nation. People might go crazy on those saying stroopwafel, but unless they are totally silent, they too would have to say stroopwafel as they denounce those who say it. (Knights of Ni, anyone?) And all text messages would be 11 characters longer per blurb, unlsee "strpwfl" is allowed.
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