
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I know that this is the RhettandLinKommunity, but the Grateful Dead has its 'Dead Heads,' Jimmy Buffett has 'Parrot Heads.' Not that we have to be 'Heads' of any sort, but I was wondering what Rhett and Link fans call themselves. Do we have a cool name too, or are we just fans? 'Kommies' doesn't cut it for me. Any suggestions or is there a name I don't know about?

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Great names so far! I like RaLF (reminds me of Charles Trippy's CTFxC) and Internetained myself.

Here's my attempt....

The 'Kast' (I thought this one sounded relevant, since we often contribute and interact with them kinda like a cast or team of people)
I've always just thought of myself as a "Kaster", but i agree members of Kommunity need their own label. The internetained has got to be my favourite so far.
I'm liking 'The Internetained'.
Or a combination of the two most popular names: iRaLF = internetained Rhett and Link Fan... plus I think it looks cool. I like anything with a lowercase "i" in front of it, haha.
Hmm... Do you really want it to sound like you vomit frequently? (iRaLF/"I ralph")

Not exactly how I'd like to identify my association with the Rhett & Link fandom, sorry.
While the Internetainees has a sort of grab to it, it also has a certain Gitmo feel about it too. When I think of RaLF's, my mind wants to go to "RaLFie" for that kid in the movie The Christmas Story. Still, I could get used to referring to myself as a RaLFie.
I don't know the iRaLF has connotations that might be good to avoid. It sounds like what I want to do when I see a bad video on youtube not the brilliance that is rhett and link...

How about the Rhinkerdon's?

Playing off an earlier entry of being part of the Rhinkerdom...
but isn't 'Ralph' also slang for vomit....?
I have to agree with Kyle and Fig. I don't want to call myself a RaLF for the negative connotations described.

Sure, Internetainees does sound a little like detainees, but I still like it the best; it wasn't just created out of thin air to describe members of this community. It's derived from a word that Rhett and Link created long before the Kommunity existed, and is recognizable on its own by true fans, without having to explain some acronym or some such. I guess I've just never been a fan of acronyms in the first place.
Hey how about Kommunity Kommuters
What about "The Golden Steeds"? I would like to call myself a Golden Steed. it makes me sound much more powerful than I am... and it's an obscure reference to one of their videos...
Rhettanlinkanians, that's my suggestion.


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