Well, Halloween is coming up next month. What are you going to dress up as? You can brainstorm your thoughts here, and upload pictures of you in your costume!
I... Well, it's a funny story. I was originally going to be a superhero(ine), but then I looked in a Halloween costume catalog (never do that if you already have an idea!) and I found this really cute green crayon costume.
BUT, not one to be just any old boring crayon or give up on my original idea, I'm going to be a crayon superheroine.
I could do many things.. I could finish my Twilight Princess Link cosplay, wear Ocarina Link again, or dress as Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender, OR be Raven from Teen Titans. I.. I just don't know! HOPEFULLY I'll get invited to a lot of different parties so I can wear ALL OF THEM!
hay cool avatar, btw! XD