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Well, Halloween is coming up next month. What are you going to dress up as? You can brainstorm your thoughts here, and upload pictures of you in your costume!

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I'm thinking Dr. Horrible. With the red lab coat and goggles.
I... Well, it's a funny story. I was originally going to be a superhero(ine), but then I looked in a Halloween costume catalog (never do that if you already have an idea!) and I found this really cute green crayon costume.

BUT, not one to be just any old boring crayon or give up on my original idea, I'm going to be a crayon superheroine.

In my head, it's awesome.
If I have anywhere to go, I'll probably recycle this costume:

(it's a witch, but here I'm hatless). I'm too cheap to buy a new one (costumes are expensive these days!) Or I'll bum one off of my sister! ;)
Btw Sara, I LOVE the er... crayon heroine idea!! That is SO you.
I'm going as the Invisible Man from the classic black & white film, "The Invisible Man". I already have the wrappings. :D
I could do many things.. I could finish my Twilight Princess Link cosplay, wear Ocarina Link again, or dress as Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender, OR be Raven from Teen Titans. I.. I just don't know! HOPEFULLY I'll get invited to a lot of different parties so I can wear ALL OF THEM!
hay cool avatar, btw! XD
Thanks for the avatar, Danon!
You're very welcome! See ya thursday!

DantheMontageMan (Black Wing) said:
Thanks for the avatar, Danon!
For me, I'm going as me imitating me. I probably might not be trick 'r treating because I'll be the one handing out the candy to kids. Siiiigh.
I shall be myself, entirely and truly, without care of what people think of me...that's scary in itself.
Erm. Well. I haven't exactly decided yet. Me thinks maybe a panda gajinka.
Narwhal... simple switch of turning a hoodie into this... Ps. i suck at drawing


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