
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Hi, I asked about this before on Twitter to the Kommunity handle, but I want to bring it up here in the Kommunity forums. 

I'd really like to see a "This Day in Rhett and Link History" feature, regularly posted here and other social media platforms. If the mods are too busy to do it, I would love to start it! For now, it would be a daily post of links to videos that were published/uploaded to (and available on) Youtube like this: 


Nov 19, 2014: GMM 574: “Taco Vs. Burrito - Debate-O-Rama” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79I7_vkwaeg

Nov 19, 2013: “Rhett and Link: Facerocker #31” podcast by RocketJump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce7NojypTGo

Nov 19, 2012: GMM 205: “Public Restroom Hotel Room” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_s2anwmG7rU

Nov 19, 2008: “I Clogged Your Toilet (Surrogate Sharers Ep.5)” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CNg8WSlUjg 

Nov 19, 2007: “Reading Rainbow Theme Song (ode to LeVar Burton)” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApLTDoJea2Q


(I couldn't find anything for the years 2011, 2010, 2009, and 2006. And I promise, I doubled to make sure the dates were correct for each video.)

Feel free to post this tomorrow (Nov 19, 2015), but please credit where credit is due. :) 

We could probably also include other things like posts, pics, random videos from other sites, and podcasts posted by R&L from the past, places/videos where they made guest appearances, or random facts about them, based on the date of the occurrence (like weddings, child births, special events, etc), if needed/wanted. And decide when the best time to post it is, or post multiple times a day to make sure it's seen? 

This kind of stuff is probably posted by tons of people and on various sites, but it'd be nice to see it in a more concise fashion. Plus, plenty of other fanbases do this with their favorite films like Harry Potter on Facebook, tv series like MST3K, and favorite bands, etc. For as long as R&L have been on youtube, and their Ten Year Anniversary is coming up in 2016, this would be cool to see and I'm sure other Mythical Beasts and newer fans would love it! Thanks! 

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Tomorrow (November 20) has these videos (that I know of) -

  • Tomorrow's episode (2015)
  • Craziest Chest Hair Designs (2014)
  • Shipfaced (2013)
  • The Last Twinkie on Earth (2012)

So they're all GMMs

Thanks, I go ahead and use these for tomorrow to start with! I also figured that I wouldn't use the current year's video, because this list is more of a reflection of the past. Next year, if the episode is very popular, it would be mentioned. :) 

And the 10th anniversary (July 24) has these videos - 

  • The Dam (2006) 
  • Cutting strangers' nose hairs at the mall (2006)
  • Unibrow Song (2006)
  • Burgaz Megatator Commercial (2006)
  • Cash vs. Credit/Debit Debate #1 (2006)
  • Velcro Song and History (2006)
  • Venice Beach - Dancing and Pizza (2006 (they posted a lot on that day))
  • B.E.A.S.T. Kast! (2010)
  • Outrageous Camping Gear You Must Own (2014)
  • I'm On Vacation BTS; Two Men On A Double Bike (2014)
  • Get Off The Phone BTS (2014)
  • Music Video Song (2014 (it seems as if they love posting several videos on this day))
  • Does a snap chat count (if so, it's called "TATTOOS! | VidCon Day 2 |")? (2015) 

There were so many videos close to July 24 that it annoyed me! There are probably more that I haven't found.

Wow!!! All the more reason for July 24 to be R&L Day (officially!) :D

I also figure there should probably be a mass post about everything that happened on Jul 24 for the 10-yr anniversary! & We'll just link it to other sites. 

I do love this idea! If you would like to start something like this, I say -- please feel free! The Kommunity is about all Mythical Beast members pitching in with their ideas and suggestions. The K-Mods are super busy on some other projects right now, so I think it would be great for you to lead this if you're interested. :)

Some suggestions and tips --

As far as other social media platforms go, I think it would be the most difficult to do something like this on Twitter if there is more than 1 event/item per day, given the character limitations...and you don't necessarily want to spam people's feeds with 10 items per day. For Twitter, I suggest only 1-3 of the most important items per day, and you can always link to somewhere you've posted a full list. Places like Kommunity blog posts and Facebook can easily house full lists.

Another thought is that instead of listing out every single thing that happened on a certain day, you could mostly pick out milestone events -- as Carol alluded to -- and post those as they come up. Personal opinion, but while it's interesting to know what GMM episodes were posted on a given date, they're probably not as interesting as knowing when R&L uploaded their first video, when they uploaded the first GMM, when they officially started Internetainment, when they moved into various new studios, etc. Lists of all their episodes over the years could get overwhelmingly long.

From the Kommunity social media side, if you post these as Kommunity blog posts, on Twitter, and/or on Facebook, we will happily retweet/share them with our followers. :)

Those are just some ideas, though. I look forward to this series!

Agreed! This seems like an awesome idea with the 10th anniversary coming up.

Thanks, that's all great info & yeah, that makes sense to have it more historical, rather than just video reposts. I'll see what I can muster up this weekend, and I would definitely run the lists by you guys first, if you like, before posting? Carol said the Mods "were looking into" doing this, so I don't know if that means the Mods want to do it first. I understand if they do.

Us "looking into it" was basically a discussion of whether it would be feasible for us to take on another project that involves some research -- and we determined the K-Mods wouldn't be able to do it at this time. So rather than wait around for us to get free time, you run with it! :)

You don't have to get our approvals on your posts or anything. Feel free to include whatever makes sense to you, and of course you can always get more feedback here if you'd like it.

Okay. Thank you all so much for appreciating my post and suggestions. I would definitely make a post in the Kommunity first, and link to it, (plus, that would bring more people here!) :D

Should I be concerned w/ time zones for posts or will that matter?

If you mean what times might get the most traffic, my observation from the U.S. east coast is that more people tend to be online in the evenings after school and work are over.

Otherwise, though, I don't think time zones will matter too much. :)

What category should I put the posts in on the forum here? 


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