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I'm curious about the green and blue color scheme on all things Rhett and Link. It looks great, it's very recognizable and it's like seeing the colors of a major brand name like MasterCard (red/orange) or Pepsi (red/blue), etc. I think you guys have branded yourself well. How did you arrive at the color scheme? The graphic design and marketing background in me wants to know!

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We've always liked blue and green personally, and we found ourselves wearing blue (link) and green (me) shirts for several different videos we did a long time ago. When we started the site, it was really natural just to roll with that blue and green. Now it's our signature, and I can't imagine ever changing it.

So, it wasn't very calculated in the way that fastfood chain colors are (for instance, red and yellow supposedly increase appetite, and that's why most restaurants use that color scheme). Maybe we can be part of the evolution of the world's pysche, making everyone associate blue/green with Internetainment.
Thanks Rhett! I wondered which came first--the t-shirts or the color scheme. I noticed you carried the blue/green t-shirts through to the big screen in Looking For Miss Locklear as well. Once again, you guys are brilliant!!!
Good question, MissElectricCompany. I had always assumed it was to represent the blue/green screen work that they do.
I noticed that as well. In the Crayon Colors Song Link was using a blue crayon and Rhett was using a green one. Thought it was interesting.
Oh I guess we did that on purpose, now that I remember it. Thx for noticing!
another is in the funkmaster theme


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