
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


  • What do you want R&L to talk about? 


  • Are you considered to be somewhat of an "EXPERT" on that subject?


  • Have you already make a suggestion to Rhett and Link  via comment post on  ,  or  ?


  • Did they think it was a great idea? Or do they believe you are completely insane for even suggesting such a thing and should be put away somewhere quiet before you hurt yourself?


  • If you were a flower, what type would you be?

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I think a great idea would be to talk about some of the most dangerous animals in the world!

I think a game called "What's that book?" Where they try to guess quotes from popular books would be cool.

Not previously suggested.

My friends and I play this all the time.

I would be a hibiscus because they're vivid and unique.
They should do an advice episode on friendship!
How do you make and keep a friend, how do you deal when you and your friend are fighting, etc.


PLUTO the planet 

Here are my suggestions for what R&L should talk about:

1. Will It Smoothie
2. Will It Cake
3. More Will Its in general
4. Tutorial On How Rhett And Link Do Their Hair (Because everyone loves Rhett and Link's hair)
5. More Caption Fails (My Mythicon leader, Casey thought of this. All credit to you, Casey, if you are reading this, for the amazing suggestion!)

Ooh! Ooh! I think I have a splendid idea! What if Rhett and Link do a skit where they act like other youtubers? Like, they could pick 5 youtubers and then do a funny video where they dress up as them and act like them and do what they do!

I just mentioned this on your Facebook page, but I'd like to make sure you guys know how much I'd love an episode on the London Hammer. (Time-Traveling Hammer) There's a ton of crazy details about it that you guys should have plenty of verbal ammunition. :)

They should do an episode of GMM where it is only Locke and Lincoln featured and they are just doing the normal things that Rhett and Link do on GMM. Would be pretty cool just being honest.

There is a similar idea where the kids take over them on the Mythical Show

Topic/Episode suggestion:

Candy Taste Test: Brand and Flavour

Ice Cream Taste Test: Flavour

They should have a Scottish episode! .... http://www.scottish-at-heart.com/scottish-sayings.html <---- Here's some phrases and words they can read out, maybe make it into a game? They can try doing their best Scottish accents aswell haha

Talk more about their home life


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