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Quick poll - should Rhett and Link keep on playing video games/doing "Let's Play"s? BYMB!

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There is potential for some good entertainment, they are not exactly great at games (sorry guys) so it could be funny to watch them. 

I guess GMMore gets harder for them when they have discussed a lot of their lives etc already, gives something a bit different for a while.


I scroll through the feed of Rhett and Link-related tweets every day, and I'm seeing a lot of mixed reactions to the Let's Play series...some people are happy about it, while others are very adamantly against it. I think there are fears that R&L are taking a unique show and making it common, since there are so many Let's Play series out there. I'll stick with watching them and see how it goes. :)

Okay, I'll admit...even though "Let's Play" doesn't really seem like R&L's style, I was amused when they got really befuddled attempting Rocket League at the start, haha. "I can't, I can't...I'm just going around in circles! What is wrong?!"

But it is what The majority of MBs asked for in the survey last summer. They are getting more fans this way, but it also means a different crowd.

I wouldn't mind seeing the occasional Let's Play (like once a fortnight, or once a month) but only if it's a weird and interesting game, like last week. Just any old mainstream game... well, there's already too much of that on Youtube if you ask me. It would no doubt bring in a new audience, given how popular LPs are, but could also risk isolating a sizeable chunk of current fans. 

I second your sentiments exactly! (And I also love the fact that you used "Fortnight" in this. It's one of my favorite words XD)

I'm by no means against Let's Plays, but it's generally not my cup of tea. It's still a little early to tell how it will go for R&L, but I hope it's more of a once in a while thing.

Agreed! There are so many LP'ers out there already. I only watch a few and have no interest in watching more.

I agree with what others said. I prefer it to just be an occasional thing as I don't think it's really right up their alley. But I do enjoy watching them have fun and I have a few laughs seeing how badly they play games.

Yes! They should 

I really enjoyed let's plays on GMMore !!! i think they should do things like that from time to time , it's s funny to watch them like that! In my opinion it's really great idea :)

I like seeing them play weird games! I know there's a lot of gaming content on Youtube, but R&L don't take them too seriously like others, which is great, they just play the weird fun ones. I think that's fine. I feel like it probably gives them a little break from all the work they do, anyway. And yeah, they don't have to make it a scheduled thing, just play the games whenever they feel like it. I also like how they are only putting the "Let's Play" in GMMore since gaming is not their main subject in their videos. 


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