
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

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About the clearly canadian thing, Do you still can an invite if you bought a case a couple of weeks ago? I want to toast too!

They definitely won't exclude you people who supported the campaign when they first asked! It sounds like anyone who gets a case will get the information on how to access the stream when it happens (R&L fan or not), so don't worry.

See below posted on the website now . . .

Ahhh, I'm so upset now that I can't order a Clearly Canadian until January! Or I was advised not to by the CC team, anyway, since my address will be changing...I'd love to be be able to participate in the livestream! Maybe I'll do it anyway if I see they're getting close to the 25,000 mark. >.>

Now everybody's getting in on this thing . . .

ORIGINAL COMMERCIAL from the 1990's 

Clearly Canadian recently opened a YouTube channel of its own and posted this on it, along with the following "endorsement" . . .

UPDATE!  it is getting closer . . .

And here is a post from their FACEBOOK page, the first new entry since a thank you to R&L back in November 2014

Obviously another YT'er is also a fan of this elixir from the Great White North

CC today stands at 91.3% of the production goal


I just bought case #23358  Not much longer now

Just a few hours after your buy, if you can believe the huge numbers posted today after R&L made another plea to fans and the world to push it over the top.

I say "if you can believe", of course, since they were also nearing the 25,000 mark a couple days ago, but then dropped down overnight when it was discovered that somebody had posted an order for 1,400 as a "joke" and then reversed the charge on their credit card. 

But who knows, today could certainly be the day!!!

Here's where it stands right now (12:23 AM EST)

Now that the 25,000 case pre-sale goal has been "officially" reached and Clearly Canadian will be put into production, please add any thoughts you have on this topic at the following thread:


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